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B.Sc. (1986), Maîtrise de Chimie-Physique, Université de Paris-Sud (XI-Orsay), France Ph.D. (1993), University of Pennsylvania Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Columbia University 1993-1996


Analytical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry

Research Interests We seek to understand interfacial and nanoscale phenomena at a fundamental level, with spatial and temporal resolution sufficient to resolve the making and breaking of individual bonds. Current projects focus on: * Nanoscale Dynamics at Liquid/Solid Interfaces * Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and other Carbon materials * Non linear Optical Studies of Interfaces * Fluorescence Detection of Surface Functionality


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Afsari, Sepideh; Li, Zhihai; Borguet, Eric "Orientation-Controlled Single-Molecule Junctions" Angewandte Chemis-International Edition (2014), 53, 37, 9771-9774. Sil, Devika; Gilroy, Kyle D,; Niaux, Aurelia; et al. "Seeing Is Believing: Hot Electron Based Gold Nanoplasmonic Optical Hydrogen Sensor" ACS Nano (2014), 8, 8, 7755-7762. Dewan, Shalaka; Carnevale, Vincenzo; Bankura, Arindam; et al. "Structure of Water at Charge Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Study" Langmuir (2014), 30, 27, 8056-8065. Boulesbaa, Abdelaziz; Borguet, Eric "Vibrational Dynamics of Interfacial Water by Free Inductive Decay Sum Frequency Generation (FID-SFG) at the Al2O3(1120)/H2O Interface" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014), 5, 3, 528-533. Li, Zhihai; Smeu, Manuel; Asarfi, Sepideh; et al. "Single-Molecule Sensing of Environmental pH-an STM Break Junction and NEGF-DFT Approach" Angewante Chemie-International Edition (2014), 53, 4, 1098-1102. "Generation of Sub-30-FS Microjoule Mid-Infrared Pulses for Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics at Solid/Liquid Interfaces" Boulesbaa, A.; Isaienko, O.; Tuladhar A.; Borguet, E. Optics Letter (2013), 38, 23, 5008-5011. "Effect of Anchoring Groups on Single Molecule Charge Transport Through Porphyrins" Li Z.; Smeu M.; Ratner MA.; Borguet E. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013), 117, 29, 14890-14898. "Hydrophobicity of Hydroxylated Amorphous Fused Silica Surfaces" Isaieenko O.; Borguet E. Langmuir (2013), 29, 25, 7885-7895. "Experimental Correlation Between Interfacial Water Structure and Mineral Reactivity" Dewan S.; Yeganeh MS.; Borguet E. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2013), 4, 11, 1977-1982. "Observation of the Bending Mode of Interfacial Water at Silica Surfaces by Near-Infrared Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of the [Stretch plus Bend] Combination Bands" Isaienko O.; Nihonyanagi S.; Sil D.; Borguet E. (2013), 4, 3, 531-535. "Quasi-Ohmic Single Molecule Charge Transport through Highly Conjugated meso-to-meso Ethyne-Bridged Porphyrin Wires" Li, Z.; Park, TH.; Rawson, J.; Therien, MJ.; Borguet, E. Nano Letters (2012), 12, 6, 2722-2727. "Determining Charge Transport Pathways through Single Porphyrin Molecules Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Break Junctions" Li, Z.; Borguet, E. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2012), 134, 1, 63-66. "Ultra-broadband sum-frequency vibrational spectrometer of aqueous interfaces based on a non-collinear optical parametic amplifier" Isaienko, O.; Borguet, E. Optics Express (2012), 20, 1, 547-561. "Fluorescence Quenching of Dyes Covalently Attached to Single-Walles Carbon Nanotubes." Fai, C.C.; Dementev, N.; Borguet, E. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2011), 115, 34, 9579-9584. "Thin Polymer film based surface acoustic wave humitidy sensors." Buvailo, A.; Yangjun, X.; Hines, J.; Borguet, E. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical (2011), 156, 1, 444-449. "Effect of Electric Fields on the Ultrafast Vibrational Relaxation of Water at a Charged Solid-Liquid Interface as Probed by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation." Eftekhari-Bafrooei, A.; Borguet, E. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2011), 2, 12, 1353-1358. Transformation of Truncated Gold Octahedrons into Triangular Nanoprisms through the Heterogeneous Nucleation of Silver Kyle D. Gilroy, Aarthi Sundar, Maryam Hajfathalian, Ali Yaghoubzade, Teng Tan, Devika Sil, Eric Borguet, Robert A. Hughes and Svetlana Neretina.Nanoscale 7, 6827-6835 (2015). DOI: 10.1039/CRNR00151J Supporting Information Palladium Nanoparticle-Based Surface Acoustic Wave Hydrogen Sensor Devika Sil, Uduak Udeyo, Jacqueline Hines and Eric Borguet. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (10), 5709-5714 (2015).DOI: 10.1021/am507531s Supporting Information Towards Graphyne Molecular Electronics Zhihai Li, Manuel Smeu, Arnaud Rives, Valerie Maraval, Remi Chauvin, Mark A. Ratner, and Eric Borguet. Nature Communications 6:6321 (2015). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7321 Supporting Information Efficient high repetition rate near-IR non-collinear ultrabroadband optical parametric amplification in KTiOPO4 Oleksandr Isaienko, Eric Borguet, and Peter Vohringer Optics Letters 35 (22), 3832-3834 (2010). DOI: 10.1364/OL.35.003832
