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主要成果: 承担山东省自然科学基金面上项目和教育部留学归国启动基金项目,在国内外主流刊物发表论文20余篇,参加编写专著2部。曾获教育部自然科学奖一等奖一项(第二,2010年)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Jie He, Yujun Liang *, Chenghao Xie, Hanchao Qiao, Pao Xu. Expression patterns of the hatching enzyme genes during embryonic development of tilapia. Aquaculture, 2017,479: 845-849 2. Pathirana A, Diao MY, Huang SB, Zuo LL, Liang YJ*. Alpha 2 macroglobulin is a maternally-derived immune factor in amphioxus embryos: New evidence for defense roles of maternal immune components in invertebrate chordate. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016, 50:21-26. 3. Xu QY, Liang YJ*. Developmental Expression Patterns of Alpha 2 Macroglobulin in Amphioxus: An Insight into Liver Evolution. Ann Mar Biol Res. 2015, 2(1): 1007. 4. Chao Y, Fan C, Liang YJ, Gao B, Zhang S. A novel serpin with antithrombin-like activity in Branchiostoma japonicum: implications for the presence of a primitive coagulation system.PLoS One. 2012, 7(3): e323921. 5. Liang YJ*, Pan AX, Zhang SC, Zhang Y, Liu MY. Cloning, distribution and primary immune characteristics of amphioxus alpha-2 macroglobulin. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2011, 31(6):963-9. 6. Liang YJ, Zhang SC, Wang ZP. Alternative complement activity in the egg cytosol of amphioxus Branchiostoma Belcheri: evidence for the defense role of maternal complement components. PLoS ONE. 2009, 4(1): e4234.
