1986-1990 武汉工业大学,材料系,获得学士学位
1990-1993 中国科学院金属研究所,获得硕士学位
2000-2004 The University of Birmingham, UK,天文与物理学院,获得博士学位
1) 微/纳米结构/功能 (导体、半导体、介电;磁学、光学等) 材料研究
2) 节能、光催化、光电转换材料研究
3) 抗/益微生物附着材料研究
4) 导电、自洁和抑菌多功能复合材料研究
5) 材料的表面与界面研究
6) 腐蚀与防护低维材料研究
1) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Fabrication of ordered arrays of InP microstructures by wet chemical etching with Au masks, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 (2002) 627-630
2) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Colloidal lines and strings, Langmuir 19 (2003) 9669-9671
3) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Patterned arrays of porous InP from photolithography and electrochemical etching, Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 7598-7603
4) SU Ge,CAO Lixin and LIU Tianzhong, Self-assembly structure formation on patterned InP surfaces, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 52 (2009) 2732-2736
5) SU Ge, LIU Tianzhong, LIU Wei & CAO Lixin. Annealing effect on InP vertical porous arrays. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 53 (2010) 1562-1566
6) Lili Zhao,Ge Su*, Wei Liu, Lixin Cao, Jing Wang, Zheng Dong, Meiqin Song. Optical and electrochemical properties of Cu-doped NiO films prepared by electrochemical deposition. Applied Surface Science 257