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学历 1986-1990 武汉工业大学,材料系,获得学士学位 1990-1993 中国科学院金属研究所,获得硕士学位 2000-2004 The University of Birmingham, UK,天文与物理学院,获得博士学位


1) 微/纳米结构/功能 (导体、半导体、介电;磁学、光学等) 材料研究 2) 节能、光催化、光电转换材料研究 3) 抗/益微生物附着材料研究 4) 导电、自洁和抑菌多功能复合材料研究 5) 材料的表面与界面研究 6) 腐蚀与防护低维材料研究


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Fabrication of ordered arrays of InP microstructures by wet chemical etching with Au masks, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 (2002) 627-630 2) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Colloidal lines and strings, Langmuir 19 (2003) 9669-9671 3) G. Su, Q. Guo, and R. E. Palmer, Patterned arrays of porous InP from photolithography and electrochemical etching, Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 7598-7603 4) SU Ge,CAO Lixin and LIU Tianzhong, Self-assembly structure formation on patterned InP surfaces, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 52 (2009) 2732-2736 5) SU Ge, LIU Tianzhong, LIU Wei & CAO Lixin. Annealing effect on InP vertical porous arrays. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences 53 (2010) 1562-1566 6) Lili Zhao,Ge Su*, Wei Liu, Lixin Cao, Jing Wang, Zheng Dong, Meiqin Song. Optical and electrochemical properties of Cu-doped NiO films prepared by electrochemical deposition. Applied Surface Science 257
