1998 - 2001 年,就读于山东大学化学与化工学院,获得硕士学位
2001 - 2004 年,就读于山东大学化学与化工学院,获得博士学位
2004 年 7 月至今,任职于中国海洋大学材料科学与工程研究院
Mei-yan Yu, Wan-xia Wang, Shou-gang Chen;BPW91 Method Used in Analyzing Electronic Structures andMagnetic Properties of Nin (2-13) Clusters; Materials Science Forum 809-8102015, EI
SHOU-GANGCHEN, ZHEN-QING MA, MEI-YAN YU* and WEI-WEI SUN ;Design of Visible Light Response Anatase TiO2: Codoping with TransitionMetals and Interstitial Carbon;AJC, 26(8) 2014 ;SCI
Zhang Yue, Yu Meiyan , one pot synthesis andcharacterization of ZnS nanoparticles in the missed surfadant system; MaterialsChemistry and Physics, 145 2014; SCI
YU Yang-Yang YUMei-Yan* ZHANG Yue* SUN Wei-Wei LIU Ying ;Preparation and mechanism of N-doped TiO2 powders; Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 29(8) 2013;SCI
于慧,于美燕 张玥 孙伟伟刘盈; N 与过渡金属共掺杂 TiO2 理论模型的设计,人工晶体学报,42(6)2013;EI
张玥,于美燕 *,梁新惠,硫化锌纳米晶的合成及性能表征;人工晶体学报,42 (9)2013;EI
M.Y. Yu ⁎,D.L. Cui, K. Li, S.G. Chen, Q.L. Wang, Y.S. Yin, X. Wang; Mixed nitrogensource effect in the hydrothermal synthesis of cubic BN; Materials Letters,76-78 2007; SCI