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Stereochemical Society of Greater New York, Travel Award, 2007 NSF CAREER, 11-1-2009 to 10-31-2014 Scientific Advisory Board, Orthobond Inc. 2011-


Bioorganic chemistry; surfaces; nanomaterials; chemical biology


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The ability of single-chain surfactants to emulsify an aqueous-based liquid crystal oscillates with odd–even parity of alkyl-chain length Nisha Varghese,Gauri S. Shetye, Sijie Yang, Stephan Wilkens, Robert P. Smith, Yan-Yeung Luk Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2013) in press. Surface control of blastospore attachment and ligand-mediated hyphae adhesion of Candida albicans Varghese, Nisha; Yang, Sijie; Sejwal, Preeti; Luk, Yan-Yeung Chemical Communications (2013), 49(88), 10418-10420. Structures and biofilm inhibition activities of brominated furanones for Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Shetye, Gauri S.; Singh, Nischal; Gao, Xiang; Bandyopadhyay, Debjyoti; Yan, Aixin; Luk, Yan-Yeung MedChemComm (2013), 4(7), 1079-1084. Enhanced Cell Adhesion and Mature Intracellular Structure Promoted by Squaramide-based RGD Mimics on Bioinert Surfaces Narasimhan, Sri Kamesh; Sejwal, Preeti; Zhu, Shifa; Luk, Yan-Yeung* In press. Stereochemical Control of Nonamphiphilic Lyotropic Liquid Crystals: Chiral Nematic Phase of Assemblies Separated by Six Nanometers of Aqueous Solvents Yang, Sijie; Wang, Bing; Cui, Dawei; Kerwood, Deborah; Wilkens, Stephan; Han, Junjie; Luk, Yan-Yeung Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2013), 117(23), 7133-7143. Emulsion of Aqueous-Based Nonspherical Droplets in Aqueous Solutions by Single-Chain Surfactants: Templated Assembly by Nonamphiphilic Lyotropic Liquid Crystals in Water Nisha Varghese, Gauri S. Shetye, Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, Nemal Gobalasingham, JinAm Seo, Jo-Han Wang, Barbara Theiler, and Yan-Yeung Luk* Langmuir 2012, 28, 10797−10807. Modification of Proteins with Cyclodextrins Prevents Aggregation and Surface Adsorption and Increases Thermal Stability Deepali Prashar, DaWei Cui, Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, and Yan-Yeung Luk* Langmuir, 2011, 27, 13091-6. Adamantane-Platinum Conjugate Hosted in β-Cyclodextrin: Enhancing Transport and Cytotoxicity by Noncovalent Modification Deepali Prashar, Yi Shi, Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, James Dabrowiak and Yan-Yeung Luk* Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 2011, 21, 7421-5. Noncovalent Polymerization of Mesogens Crystallizes Lysozyme: Correlation between Nonamphiphilic Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Phase and Protein Crystal Formation Karen A. Simon, Gauri S. Shetye, Ulrich Englich, Lei Wu, Yan-Yeung Luk* Langmuir, 2011, 27, 10901-6. Stereochemical Effects of Chiral Monolayers on Enhancing the Resistance to Mammalian Cell Adhesion Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, Deepali Prashar, Yan-Yeung Luk* Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 6165-7. Anti-Fouling Chemistry of Chiral Monolayers: Enhancing Biofilm Resistance on Racemic Surface Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, Deepali Prashar and Yan-Yeung Luk* Langmuir, 2011, 27, 6124-31. Water-Driven Ligations Using Cyclic Amino Squarates: A Class of Useful SN1-Like Reactions DaWei Cui, Deepali Prashar, Preeti Sejwal, Yan-Yeung Luk* Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 1348-1350. Inhibiting microbial biofilm formation by brominated furanones Hou, Shuyu; Duo, Miao; Han, Yongbin; Luk, Yan-Yeung; Ren, Dacheng Medical Device Materials V, Proceedings of the Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference, 2010, 6-10. Noncovalent Polymerization and Assembly in Water Promoted by Thermodynamic Incompatibility Karen A. Simon, Preeti Sejwal, Eric R. Falcone, Erik A. Burton, Sijie Yang, Deepali Prashar, Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay, Sri Kamesh Narasimhan, Nisha Varghese, Nemal S. Gobalasingham, Jason B. Reese, and Yan-Yeung Luk* J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 10357-67. Inhibition of Candida albicans Growth by Natural and Synthetic Brominated Furanones Miao Duo, Yan-Yeung Luk*, and Dacheng Ren* Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 2010, 85, 1551-63. Controlling Thread Assemblies of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Liquid Crystal Phase by Using Functionalized Nanotopography Karen A. Simon, Erik A. Burton, Lei Wu and Yan-Yeung Luk* Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 2434–41. Induced Folding by Chiral Non-Planar Aromatics Sri Kamesh Narasimhan, Deborah J. Kerwood, Lei Wu, Jun Li, Rosina Lombardi, Teresa B. Freedman* and Yan-Yeung Luk* J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 7023-33. Selective Immobilization of Peptides Exclusively via N-Terminus Cysteines by Water-Driven Reactions on Surfaces Preeti Sejwal, Sri Kamesh Narasimhan, Deepali Prashar, Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay and Yan-Yeung Luk* J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 6843-46. Non-Amphiphilic Assembly in Water: Polymorphic Nature, Thread Structure and Thermodynamic Incompatibility Lei Wu, Jyotsana Lal, Karen A. Simon, Erik A. Burton and Yan-Yeung Luk* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 7430-7443. Prolonged Control of Patterned Biofilm Formation by Bio-inert Surface Chemistry Shuyu Hou, Erik A. Burton, Ricky Lei Wu, Yan-Yeung Luk* and Dacheng Ren* Chem. Commun., 2009, 10, 1207-1209. Molecular Gradients of Bio-inertness Reveal Mechanistic Difference between Mammalian Cell Adhesion and Bacterial Biofilm Formation Erik A. Burton, Karen A. Simon, Shuyu Hou, Dacheng Ren* and Yan-Yeung Luk* Langmuir, 2009, 25, 1547-1553.
