Ph.D., University of Colorado
Application of molecular biology to environmental engineering; microbiome of the built environment and human health effects, biological aerosol detection and source tracking, production of sustainable biofuels, and human exposure to land applied biosolids.
Dannemiller, K.C., Gent, J.F., Leaderer, B.P., Peccia, J. (2016) "Indoor microbial communities: influence on asthma severity in atopic and non-atopic children" Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.11.027
Peccia, J. and Westerhoff, P. (2015) "We should expect more from our sewage sludge" Environmental Science and Technology 49, 8271-8276.
N. Yamamoto, Hospodsky, D., Dannemiller, K.C., Nazaroff, W. W., Peccia, J. (2015) "Indoor emission as a primary source of airborne allergenic fungal particles in classrooms" Environmental Science and Technology 49, 5098-5106.
Bibby, K. and Peccia, J. (2013) "Identification of viral pathogen diversity in sewage sludge by metagenome analysis" Environmental Science and Technology 47, 1945-1951.
Rismani-Yazdi, H., Haznedaroglu, B.Z., Hsin, C., Peccia, J. (2012) "Quantitative transcriptomic analysis of the microalga Neochloris oleoabundans reveals how nitrogen limitation redirects cellular metabolism towards the accumulation of storage lipids" Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5, 74.