Carlos studied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. From 1999 to 2004, he performed his PhD with Prof. Miguel Angel Lasuncion at Hospital Ramon y Cajal (Madrid). He did his postdoctoral training with Prof. William Sessa at Yale University (2005-2009). Then, Carlos started his laboratory in the Department of Medicine at NYU. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Comparative Medicine Department and a Member of the Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program
PhD Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain (2003)
Post.Doc Yale University School of Medicine
Pathology; Atherosclerosis
Identification of Golgi localized DHHC-acyl-transferase enzymes that catalyze the palmitoylation and function of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
Fernández-Hernando C, Fukata M, Bernatchez PN, Fukata Y, Lin MI, Bredt DS, Sessa WC. J Cell Biol. 2006; 174(3): 369-377
Loss of Akt1 leads to severe atherosclerosis and occlusive coronary artery disease
Fernández-Hernando C, Ackah E, Yu J, Suárez Y, Murata T, Iwakiri Y, Prendergast J, Miao RQ, Birnbaum MJ and Sessa WC. Cell Metab. 2007; 6: 446-457
Genetic evidence supporting a critical role of endothelial caveolin-1 during the progression of atherosclerosis.
Fernández-Hernando C#, Yu J, Suárez Y, Rahner C, Dávalos A, Lasunción MA and Sessa WC#. (# corresponding author). Cell Metab. 2009 Jul; 10: 48-54.
miR-33 coordinates genes regulating cholesterol homeostasis.
Rayner KJ*, Suárez Y*, Dávalos A, Parathath S, Fitzgerald ML, Tamehiro N, Fisher EA, Moore KJ and Fernández-Hernando C. Science. 2010. Jun 18; 328 (5985): 1570-3.
miR-33a/b coordinates genes regulating fatty acid metabolism and insulin signaling.
Dávalos A, Goedeke L, Smibert P, Ramirez CM, Warrier N.P, Andreo U, Cirera-Salinas D, Rayner K, Suresh U, Pastor-Pareja JC, Esplugues E, Fisher EA, Penalva LF, Moore KJ, Suárez Y, Lai EC, Fernández-Hernando C. Proc Natl Acad Sci. USA. 2011 May 31;108(22):9232-7.
Control of cholesterol metabolism and plasma HDL levels by miR-144.
Ramírez CM, Rotllan N, Vlassov AV, Dávalos A, Li M, Goedeke L, Aranda JF, Cirera-Salinas D, Kim J, Araldi E, Yoon H, Salerno A, Wanschel A, Nelson PT, Castrillo A, Kim J, Suárez Y and Fernández-Hernando C. Circ Res. 2013. Jun 7;112(12):1592-601.
miR-30c lowers lipid synthesis and lipoprotein secretion to reduce hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.
Soh J, Iqpal J, Queiroz J, Fernández-Hernando C and Hussain MM. Nat Med. 2013. Jul;19(7):892-900.
Long-term therapeutic silencing of miR-33 increases circulating triglyceride levels and hepatic lipid accumulation in mice.
Goedeke L, Salerno A, Ramírez CM, Guo L, Allen RM, Yin X, Langley SR, Esau C, Wanschel AC, Fisher EA, Suárez Y, Baldán A, Mayr M and Fernández-Hernando C. EMBO Mol Med. 2014. Jul 18;6(9):1133-1141.
Genetic evidence supports a major role for Akt1 in VSMCs during atherogenesis.
Rotllan N, Wanschel AC, Fernandez-Hernando A, Salerno A, Offermanns S, Sessa WC and Fernández-Hernando C. Circ Res. 2015, May 22;116(11):1744-1752.
MicroRNA-148a regulates LDLR and ABCA1 expression and controls circulating levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol.
Goedeke L, Rotllan N, Canfrán-Duque A, Aranda JF, Ramírez CM, Araldi E, Lin CS, Anderson NN, Wagschal A, de Cabo R, Horton JD, Lasuncion MA, Näär AM, Suárez Y, Fernández-Hernando C. Nat Med. 2015. Nov 2;21(11):1280-1289.
Angptl4 deficiency in hematopoietic cells promotes monocyte expansion and atherosclerosis progression
Aryal B, Rotllan N, Araldi E, Ramírez CM, He S, Chousterman BG, Fenn AM, Wanschel A, Madrigal-Matute J, Warrier N, Martín-Ventura JL, Swirski FK, Suárez Y, Fernández-Hernando C. Nat Commun. 2016 Jul 27;7:12313.