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Ph.D., Organismic Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of California-Los Angeles, 2001 Dissertation Title: Functional ecology, ecophysiology, and convergent evolution of dwarf shrub and cushion plant growth forms. Philip Rundel, advisor. M.S. General Science/Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, 1996 B.A. Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado


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Rundel, P.W. and C. Kleier. 2014. Parque Nacional Nevado de Tres Cruces, Chile: A significant coldspot of biodiversity in a high Andean ecosystem. Mountain Views Newsletter: The Newsletter of the Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains 8(2): 2-6. Kleier, C. 2014. The other down under: exploring alpine cushion plants in New Zealand. Aquilegia 38(2): 14-15. Worden, K. and C. Kleier. 2012. Impact of Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) thinning on Abert’s Squirrel (Sciurus aberti) populations. Southwestern Naturalist 57(4): 380-384. Christner, L.* and C. Kleier. 2011. Quantitative reasoning in introductory environmental science textbooks. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 1(4): 296-300. Brandenburg, W.* and C. Kleier. 2011. Effect of MgCl2 on germination, growth, and biomass allocation of the radish cv. “Cherry Belle.“ American Journal of Environmental Sciences 7(2): 132-135. Kleier, C. 2011. Environmental Impact Assessment – A capstone course for environmental studies and science majors at Regis University. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 1(3): 228-232. Kleier, C. and P.W. Rundel. 2009. Energy balance and temperature relations of Azorella compacta, a high elevation cushion plant of the central Andes. Plant Biology 11(3): 351-358. Kleier, C., C. Carello, and A. Hoffa*. 2008. Willow (Salix spp.) clipping in Breckenridge, CO, for cross-country ski trails. Aquilegia 32(3): 4-7. Lambrinos, J., Kleier, C., and P.W. Rundel. 2006. Plant community variation across a Puna landscape in the Chilean Andes. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 79: 233-243. Kleier, C. and J. Lambrinos. 2005. The importance of nurse associations for three tropical alpine life forms. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 37(5): 331-336. Kleier, C. and P.W. Rundel. 2004. Microsite requirements, population structure and growth of the cushion plant, Azorella compacta, in the tropical Chilean Andes. Austral Ecology 29(4): 461-470. Rundel, P.W., A. C. Gibson, G. S. Midgley, S. J. E. Wand, B. Palma, C. Kleier, and J. Lambrinos. 2003.Ecological and ecophysiological patterns in a pre-altiplano shrubland of the Andean Cordillera in northern Chile. Plant Ecology 169(2): 179-193. Lambrinos, J. and C. Kleier. 2003. Thermoregulation of juvenile Andean toads (Bufo spinulosus) at 4300 m. Journal of Thermal Biology 28: 15-19. Kleier, C., L. Ainsworth*, and P.W. Rundel. 2001. Sunlight foraging in two tropical Southeast Asian pioneer tree species: Macaranga denticulata and Mallotus paniculatus. Natural History Bulletin of the Royal Siam Society 49: 231-241. Kleier, C., B. Farnsworth, W.E. Winner. 2001. Photosynthesis, growth and biomass allocation of radish (Raphanus sativa L.) in response to root temperature and ozone. Environmental Pollution 111: 127-133. Kleier, C., B. Farnsworth, W.E. Winner. 1998. Biomass, reproductive output and physiological responses of rapid-cycling Brassica (Brassica rapa L.) to ozone and modified root temperature. New Phytologist 139: 657-664.
