B.S., University of Notre Dame (1996)
M.S., University of Colorado (1998)
Ph.D., University of Colorado (2002)
Mores, W.D. and Davis. R.H. (2003) Yeast fouling effects in crossflow microfiltration with periodic reverse filtration, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42, 130-139.
Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2002) Yeast foulant removal by backpulses in crossflow microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 208, 389-404.
Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2002) Direct observation of membrane cleaning via rapid backpulsing, Desalination. 146, 135-140.
Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2001) Direct visual observation of yeast deposition and removal during microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 189, 217-230.
Mores, W.D., Knutsen, J.S., and Davis, R.H. (2001) Cellulase recovery via membrane filtration, App. Biochem. and Biotech. 91-93, 297-309.
Mores, W.D., Bowman, C.N., and Davis, R.H. (2000) Theoretical and experimental flux maximization by optimization of backpulsing, J. Mem. Sci. 165, 225-236.
Czekaj, P., Mores, W., Davis, R.H., and Guell, C. (2000) Infrasonic pulsing for foulant removal in crossflow microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 180, 157-169.