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B.S., University of Notre Dame (1996) M.S., University of Colorado (1998) Ph.D., University of Colorado (2002)


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Mores, W.D. and Davis. R.H. (2003) Yeast fouling effects in crossflow microfiltration with periodic reverse filtration, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42, 130-139. Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2002) Yeast foulant removal by backpulses in crossflow microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 208, 389-404. Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2002) Direct observation of membrane cleaning via rapid backpulsing, Desalination. 146, 135-140. Mores, W.D. and Davis, R.H. (2001) Direct visual observation of yeast deposition and removal during microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 189, 217-230. Mores, W.D., Knutsen, J.S., and Davis, R.H. (2001) Cellulase recovery via membrane filtration, App. Biochem. and Biotech. 91-93, 297-309. Mores, W.D., Bowman, C.N., and Davis, R.H. (2000) Theoretical and experimental flux maximization by optimization of backpulsing, J. Mem. Sci. 165, 225-236. Czekaj, P., Mores, W., Davis, R.H., and Guell, C. (2000) Infrasonic pulsing for foulant removal in crossflow microfiltration, J. Mem. Sci. 180, 157-169.
