Ph. D University of Minnesota (2009)
B.S. Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Delhi (2004)
“Photoexcited quantum dots for killing multidrug-resistant bacteria”, Courtney C.M., Goodman S.M., McDaniel J.A., Madinger N.E., Chatterjee A.*, Nagpal P.*, Nature Materials, 15, 529 (2016).
“Single nucleobase identification using biophysical signatures from nanoelectronic quantum tunneling”, Korhsoj L.E., Afsari S., Khan S., Chatterjee A.*, Nagpal P.*, Small, In Press (2017).
“Standalone anion- and co-doped titanium dioxide nanotubes for photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical solar-to-fuel conversion”, Ding Y., Nagpal P.*, Nanoscale, 8, 17496 (2016).
“Long range energy transfer in self-assembled quantum dot-DNA cascades”, Goodman S.M., Siu A., Singh V., Nagpal P.*, Nanoscale, 7, 18435 (2015).
“Measurements of Single Nucleotide Electronic States as Nanoelectronic Fingerprints for Identification of DNA Nucleobases, Their Protonated and Unprotonated States, Isomers, and Tautomers”, Ribot J.C., Chatterjee A.*, Nagpal P.*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119, 4968 (2015).
“Air-pressure tunable depletion width, rectification behavior, and charge conduction in oxide nanotubes”, Alivov Y., Hans H., Singh V., Nagpal P.*, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 2153 (2015).
“Low exciton-phonon coupling, high charge carrier mobilities, and multiexciton properties in two-dimensional (2D) lead, cadmium, silver, and copper chalcogenide nanostructures”, Ding Y., Singh V., Goodman S.M., Nagpal P.*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 4291 (2014).
“Multiple energy exciton shelves in quantum dot-DNA nano-bioelectronics”, Goodman S., Singh V., Ribot J.C., Chatterjee A., Nagpal P.*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 3909 (2014).
“Copper plasmonics and catalysis: Role of electron-phonon interactions in dephasing localized surface plasmons”, Sun Q., Ding Y., Goodman S., Funke H., Nagpal P.*, Nanoscale, 6, 12450 (2014).
“Pseudo-direct bandgap transitions in silicon nanocrystals: effect on optoelectronics and thermoelectrics”, Singh V., Yu Y., Sun Q., Korgel B., Nagpal P.*, Nanoscale, 6, 14643 (2014).
“Doping of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Nanotubes: Optical, Electronic and Magnetic Dopants”, Alivov Y., Singh V., Ding Y., Cerkovnik L.J., Nagpal P.*, Nanoscale, 6, 10839 (2014).
“Transparent conducting oxide nanotubes”, Alivov Y., Singh V., Ding Y., Nagpal P.*, Nanotechnology, 25, 385202 (2014).
“Photocatalysis deconstructed: design of a new catalysts for artificial photosynthesis”, Singh V., Beltran I.J.C., Ribot, J.C., Nagpal P.*, Nano Letters, 14, 597 (2014).
"Plasmon-enhanced energy transfer for improved upconversion of infrared radiation in doped lanthanide nanocrystals”, Sun Q., Mundoor, H., Ribot J.C., Singh V., Smalyukh I.I., Nagpal P.*, Nano Letters, 14, 101 (2014).
“Role of mid-gap states in charge transport and photoconductivity in semiconductor nanocrystal films”, Nagpal P., Klimov V.I., Nature Communications, 2:486, (2011).
“Ultra-smooth patterned metals for Plasmonics and Metamaterials”, Nagpal P., Lindquist N., Oh S.H., Norris D.J., Science, 325, 594, (2009).