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Shannon G, McKenna MF, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR, Fristrup KM, Brown E, Warner KA, Nelson MD, White C, Briggs J, McFarland S, Wittemyer G. In press. A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wildlife. Biological Reviews. Lynch E, Northrup JM, McKenna MF, Anderson CR Jr, Angeloni L, Wittemyer G. 2015. Landscape and anthropogenic features influence the use of auditory vigilance by mule deer. Behavioral Ecology 26:75-82. Kopack CJ, Broder ED, Lepak JM, Fetherman ER, Angeloni LM. 2015. Behavioral responses of a highly domesticated, predator na?ve rainbow trout to chemical cues of predation. Fisheries Research 169:1-7. Fitzpatrick SW, Gerberich JC, Kronenberger JA, Angeloni LM, Funk WC. 2015. Locally adapted traits maintained in the face of high gene flow. Ecology Letters 18:37-47. Broder ED, Angeloni LM. 2014. Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity of laterality. Animal Behaviour 98:125-130. Shannon G, Angeloni LM, Wittemyer G, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR. 2014. Road traffic noise modifies behaviour of a keystone species. Animal Behaviour 94:135-141. Shannon G, Cordes LS, Hardy AR, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR. 2014. Behavioral responses associated with a human-mediated predator shelter. PLoS ONE 9(4):e94630. Caldwell L, Bakker VJ, Sillett TS, Desrosiers MA, Morrison SA, Angeloni L. 2013. Reproductive ecology of the Island Scrub-Jay. The Condor 115:603-613. Angeloni L, Caldwell L, Desrosiers M. 2013. Conservation meets animal behavior in the study of a rare island bird. The Conservation Behaviorist 11(1):2-3. Lynch E, Angeloni L, Fristrup K, Joyce D, Wittemyer G. 2013. The use of on-animal acoustical recording devices for studying animal behaviour. Ecology and Evolution 3:2030-2037. Ruell EW, Handelsman CA, Hawkins CL, Sofaer HR, Ghalambor CK, Angeloni L. 2013. Fear, food and sexual ornamentation: plasticity of colour development in Trinidadian guppies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280:20122019. Wiegmann DD, Angeloni LM, Seubert SM, Wade JG. 2013. Mate choice decisions by searchers. Current Zoology 59:184-199. Poessel SA, Breck SW, Teel TL, Shwiff S, Crooks KR, Angeloni LM. 2013. Patterns of human-coyote conflicts in the Denver Metropolitan Area. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:297-305. Brown CL, Hardy AR, Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Crooks KR, Angeloni LM. 2012. The effect of human activities and their associated noise on ungulate behavior. PLoS ONE 7(7):e40505. Poessel SA, Biggins DE, Santymire RM, Livieri TM, Crooks KR, Angeloni L. 2011. Environmental enrichment affects adrenocortical stress responses in the endangered black-footed ferret. General and Comparative Endocrinology 172:526-533. Poessel SA, Breck SW, Biggins DE, Livieri TM, Crooks KR, Angeloni L. 2011. Landscape features influence postrelease predation on endangered black-footed ferrets. Journal of Mammalogy. 92: 732-741. Magle SB, Angeloni LM. 2011. Effects of urbanization on the behavior of a keystone species. Behaviour 148:31-54. Angeloni L, Crooks KR, Blumstein DT. 2010. Conservation and behavior: Introduction. In: Breed MD and Moore J, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Vol 1, pp. 377-381. Academic Press, Oxford. Ghalambor CK, Angeloni LM, Carroll SP, 2010. Behavior as phenotypic plasticity. in DF Westneat, CF Fox (eds.). Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Oxford University Press, Chicago. Barber JR, Fristrup KM, Brown CL, Hardy AR, Angeloni LM, Crooks KR. 2009. Conserving the wild life therein: Protecting park fauna from anthropogenic noise. Park Science 26:26-31. Angeloni L, Schlaepfer MA, Lawler JJ, Crooks KR, 2008. A reassessment of the interface between conservation and behaviour. Animal Behaviour 75:731-737. Wiegmann DD, Angeloni LM, 2007. Mate choice and uncertainty in the decision process. Journal of Theoretical Biology 249:654-666. Chaine A, Angeloni L, 2005. Size-dependent mating and gender choice in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, Bulla gouldiana. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59: 58-68. Wiegmann DD, Angeloni LM, Baylis JR, Newman SP, 2004. Negative maternal or paternal effects on tactic inheritance under a conditional strategy. Evolution 58:1530-1535.
