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BS - McGill University, Montreal, Canada PhD - Michigan State University Postdoctoral Study - University of Utah


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J. Cheng, S. Rathi, P. Stradins, G. Frey, R. T. Collins, S. K. R. Williams,"Synthesis of Free Standing Silica Thin Films with Highly Ordered Nanopores" RSC Adv., 4 (15), 7627 – 7633 (2014). S. K. R. Williams, K. D. Caldwell, "Field-flow Fractionation"Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 406, 1577-1578 (2014). J. R. Runyon, S. K. R. Williams, "Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Coupled with Field-Flow Fractionation for Polymer Analysis" in Handbook of Spectroscopy, 2nd Edition, G. Gauglitz, D.S. Moore, Eds., Chapter 32, pp 1201-1228, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, Weinheim Germany, 2014. Print ISBN: 978-3-527-32150-6. N. C. Crawford, S. K. R. Williams, D. Boldridge, M. L. Liberatore, "Shear-Induced Structures and Thickening in Fumed Silica Slurries"," Langmuir, 29, 12915-12923 (2013). N. C. Crawford, B. Yohe, S. K. R. Williams, D. Boldridge, M. W. Liberatore, "Shear Thickening and Shear-Induced Agglomeration of Chemical Mechanical Polishing Slurries Using Electrolytes." "Rheo. Acta 52, 499-513 (2013). C. A. Ponyik, D. T. Wu, S. K. R. Williams, "Separation and composition distribution determination of triblock copolymers by thermal field-flow fractionation," Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 405, 9033-9040 (2013). J. R. Runyon, A. Goering, K.-T. Yong, S. K. R. Williams "Preparation of Narrow Dispersity Gold Nanorods by Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation and Investigation of Surface Plasmon Resonance," Anal. Chem., 85, 940–948 (2013) C. Bria, F. Violleau, S. K. R. Williams, "Field-Flow Fractionation for Biological, Natural, and Synthetic Polymers: Recent advances and trends," LCGC Asia, November 2013; LCGC Europe, December 2013; LCGC North America, December 2013. S. Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams, J. Ray Runyon , and Akram A. Ashames, "Field-Flow Fractionation: Addressing the Nano Challenge," Anal. Chem., 83, 634–642 (2013). Feng Lin, Jifang Cheng, Chaiwat Engtrakul, Anne C. Dillon, Dennis Nordlund, Rob G. Moore, Tsu-Chien Weng, S. K. R. Williams, and Ryan M. Richards, "In situ crystallization of high performing WO3-based electrochromic materials and the importance for durability and switching kinetics," Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 16817-16832 (2012). N. C. Crawford, S. K. R. Williams, D. Boldridge, M. W. Liberatore, "Shear thickening of chemical mechanical polishing slurries under high shear, "Rheo. Acta, 51, 637-647 (2012). S. K. R. Williams, J.R. Runyon, A.A. Ashames “Field-Flow Fractionation: Addressing the Nano Challenge”, Anal. Chem., 83, 634-642 (2011). Podcast http://pubs.acs.org/page/ancham/audio/index.html J.R. Runyon, S.K.R. Williams, “A Theory-Based Approach to Field-Flow Fractionation of Polyacrylates“, J. Chromatogr. A, 1218, 7016-7022 (2011). F. Messaud, R. Sanderson, J.R. Runyon, S.K.R Williams, “An Overview on Field-Flow Fractionation Techniques and Their Applications in Separation and Characterization of Polymers”, Prog. Polym. Sci., 34, 351-368 (2009). H.K. Lee, S.K.R. Williams, K. L. Wahl, N. Valentine, “Analysis of Whole Bacteria with Field-Flow Fractionation and MALDI/TOF Mass Spectrometry”, Anal. Chem., 75, 2746-2752 (2003). H. K. Lee, S. K.R. Williams, S. Dean Anderson, T. J. Anchordoquy, “Analysis of Self-Assembled Cationic Lipid-DNA Gene Carrier Complexes using Flow FFF and Light Scattering”, Anal. Chem., 73, 837-843 (2001).
