2002年3月毕业于日本大阪市立大学大学院医学研究院法医学专业(Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine),获医学博士学位。2002年接受日本国学术振兴会外国人特别研究员博士后训练,并在大阪市立大学医学部担任客员研究员,从事法医学教学、科研和司法鉴定工作。2006年任中国甘肃政法学院教授,公安分院副院长。2007年任大阪市立大学助理教授(Assistant Professor),建立独立的研究课题组,一直从事法医学的教学、科研和司法鉴定工作。
1. Fatal hemoperitoneum from traumatic gallbladder avulsion: an autopsy case report. Osaka City Med J. 2005 Jun;51(1):37-41. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005 2. Quantitative morphometry of granular 'dot-like' ubiquitin-immunoreactivity in the crus cerebri in asphyxiation and fire fatalities. Legal Med. 2005;7(2):81-8. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005 3. Ubiquitin-immunoreactive structures in the midbrain of methamphetamine abusers. Legal Med. 2005;7(3):144-50. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005 4. Quantitative analysis of ubiquitin-immunoreactivity in the midbrain periaqueductal gray matter with regard to the causes of death in forensic autopsy. Legal Med. 2005;7(3):151-6. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005 5. Ubiquitin immunoreactivity in the midbrain as a marker of stress to motor nervous systems in fatal injury. Legal Med. 2005;7(3):157-63. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2005 6. Postmortem serum erythropoietin levels in establishing the cause of death and survival time at medicolegal autopsy. Int J Legal Med. 2008;122(6):481-7. 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2008 7. Quantitative analysis of single-stranded DNA immunoreactivity as a marker of neuronal apoptosis in hippocampus with regard to the causes of death in medicolegal autopsy. Legal Med. 2009. [Epub ahead of print] 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009 8. Analyses of cardiac blood cells and serum proteins with regard to cause of death in forensic autopsy cases. Legal Med. 2009 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print] 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009 9. Immunohistochemistry of von Willebrand factor in the lungs with regard to the cause of death in forensic autopsy. Legal Med. 2009. [Epub ahead of print] 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009 10. Postmortem serum levels of pulmonary surfactant-associated proteins A and D with regard to the cause of death in medicolegal autopsy. Legal Med. 2009. [Epub ahead of print] 所有作者: 发表杂志: 发表年份:2009