邓凯博士,中山大学中山医学院教授,博士生导师。本科及硕士毕业于中山大学生命科学学院。博士就读于约翰霍普金斯大学医学院,获分子生物学与遗传学博士学位。曾在霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute, HHMI)从事博士后研究。邓凯博士近年来以第一作者身份在国际权威刊物Nature、Immunity、J Virol. 等发表多篇重要学术论文。发表论文的篇均被引数超过100,其中3篇为ESI高被引论文(Top 1%)。2016年获选为广东省“青年珠江学者”。2017年获广东省杰出青年基金资助。
病毒持续性感染的机制 宿主针对持续性病毒感染的免疫应答机制 开发新型免疫手段清除病毒持续性感染
1. Shan L*, Deng K*, Gao H, Xing S, Capoferri AA, Durand CM, Rabi SA, Laird GM, Kim M, Hosmane NN, Yang HC, Zhang H, Margolick JB, Li L,Cai W, Ke R, Flavell RA, Siliciano JD, and Siliciano RF. Transcriptional reprogramming during effector-to-memory transition renders CD4+ T cells permissive for latent HIV-1 infection. Immunity 2017 ; 47: 766-775 (*co-first author) 2. He R, Hou S, Liu C, Zhang A, Bai Q, Han M, Yang Y, Wei G, Shen T, Yang X, Xu L, Chen X, Hao Y, Wang P, Zhu C, Ou J, Liang H, Ni T, Zhang X, Zhou X, Deng K, Chen Y, Luo Y, Xu J, Qi H, Wu Y, Ye L. Follicular CXCR5-expressing CD8+ T cells curtail chronic viral infection. Nature 2016; 537: 412-418 3. Deng K, Pertea M, Rongvaux A, Wang L, Durand CM, Ghiaur G, Lai J, Hao H, Zhang H, Margolick JB, Gurer C, Murphy AJ, Valenzuela DM, Yancopoulos GD, Deeks SG, Strowig T, Kumar P, Siliciano JD, Salzberg SL, Flavell RA, Shan L, Siliciano RF. Broad CTL response is required to clear latent HIV-1 due to dominance of escape mutations. Nature 2015; 517: 381-385. 4. Deng K and Siliciano RF. HIV: Early treatment may not be early enough. Nature 2014; 512: 35-36. 5. Deng K, Zink MC, Clements JE, Siliciano RF. A quantitative measurement of antiviral activity of anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 drugs against simian immunodeficiency virus infection: dose-response curve slope strongly influences class-specific inhibitory potential. J Virol. 2012; 86:11368-72. 6. Shan L, Deng K, Shroff NS, Durand CM, Rabi SA, Yang HC, Zhang H, Margolick JB, Blankson JN, Siliciano RF. Stimulation of HIV-1-Specific Cytolytic T Lymphocytes Facilitates Elimination of Latent Viral Reservoir after Virus Reactivation. Immunity 2012; 36:491-501. 7. Huang J, Deng K, Wu H, Liu Z, Chen Z, Cao S, Zhou L, Ye X, Keefe DL, Liu L. Efficient production of mice from embryonic stem cells injected into 4- or 8- cell embryos by piezo micromanipulation. Stem Cells 2008; 26:1883-1890.