1. 高性能航空航天铝合金 1)高性能铝锂合金 2)高强高韧7000系铝合金 3)中强高韧耐损伤容限2000系铝合金 2. 其它高性能铝合金 1)超薄汽车铝合金翅片 2)超薄铝箔 3)高强高导超细铝镁合金线材 4)大规格复杂截面挤压型材 5)高强铸造铝合金 3.材料表面技术
[1] Coexisttent structures and film growth in vanadium oxides films, Materies Letters,2014, 130:172-175 [2] Characterization of hot deformation behavior of a novel Al-Cu-Li alloy using Processing Maps,Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2015,28(7):817-825. [3] Effects of solution treatment on mechanical properties and microstructures of Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy,Journal of central south university, 2013, 20(8):2083-2089 [4] The effect of Cerium and Zirconium microalloying additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a novel Al–Cu–Li alloy,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016,45(8): 1917-1923 [5] Microstructure evolution of a novel Al-Cu-Li-Ce alloy during homogenization,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2016, 45(7): 1687-1694. [6] Effects of Cerium Addition on Solidification behaviour and the effects of cerium on the intermetallic structure of a novel Al–Cu–Li alloy,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016,45(6): 1423-1429 [7] Mechanism of enhanced fracture toughness in a novel Al-Cu-Li-Ce alloy,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2014,43(5): 1061-1066.