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Ph.D., Texas A&M University


Physical Chemistry and Analytical Spectroscopy

As an experimental physical chemist, the overall goal of my research is to develop and apply techniques and methods to understand the complex behavior of molecules and nanoparticles at surfaces and interfaces, leading to the development of new materials and technologies that will benefit our lives. I have extensive experience in analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. More specifically, my strengths are in the development of analytical strategies, and in understanding chemistry at surfaces and interfaces. I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Nankai University in Tianjin, China. There, in Naijia Guan’s group, I focused on surface chemistry and kinetics for catalysis, including synthesis, characterization, and application of catalysts. During my Ph.D. studies in Paul Cremer’s and James Batteas’ groups at Texas A&M University, College Station, I was trained in biosensing. I have used plasmonics of noble metal nanostructures and fluorescence of quantum dots as platforms. After I graduated, I continued my training in Robert Hamers’ group at the University of Wisconsin, Madison for two years in surface modification of metal oxides for solar cell applications. In July 2012, I joined the Landes group at Rice University. Since then, I have been conducting research on a few bio-platforms using single-molecule super-resolution imaging and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Current Research Development of an analytical technique for conducting super-resolution single-genome optical mapping and single-genome sensing. In many genome sequencing projects, such as the Human Genome Project, optical mapping has been used to construct ordered restriction maps for whole genomes. These maps provide scaffolds for shotgun sequence assembly and validation. Optical mapping was first developed in the 1990s by David Schwartz and his lab at New York University, and has been successfully applied in many genome sequencing projects. My research goal is to develop new optical mapping strategies with super-resolution optical nanoscopy to improve the resolution of optical mapping. Recently at Rice University, I was involved in the development of a super-resolution optical nanoscopy called motion blur point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (mbPAINT), and used it to study ion-exchange chromatography for single protein separation and DNA imaging. I will continue working in the optical mapping project, and start to explore a variety of single-molecule areas, such as molecular tracking and single-molecule FRET. In addition, I will continue to work on the surface modifications of a few materials (e.g. metal, metal oxides, semiconductor, and glass), and molecular interfacial dynamics for applications such as catalysis, separation, biosensing, anticorrosion coating, and biosensing


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Chen, J.X.; Poddar, N. K.; Tauzin, L. J.; Cooper, D. R.; Kolomeisky, A. B.; Landes, C. F., Single-Molecule FRET Studies of HIV TAR-DNA Hairpin Unfolding Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, DOI: 10.1021/jp507067p Shuang, B.; Cooper, D. R.; Taylor, J. N.; Kisley, L. M.; Chen, J.X.; Wang, W.X.; Li, C.-B.; Komatsuzaki, T.; Landes, C. F. Fast Step Transition and State Identification (STaSI) for Discrete Single-molecule Data Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2014, 5, 3157–3161 Tauzin, L. J.; Shuang, B.; Kisley, L. M.; Mansur, A. P.; Chen, J.X.; de Leon, A.; Advincula, R. C.; Landes, C. F. Charge-Dependent Transport Switching of Single Molecular Ions in a Weak Polyelectrolyte Multilayer. Langmuir 2014, 30, 8391-8399. Kisley, L.; Chen, J. X.; Mansur, A. P.; Dominguez-Medina, S.; Kulla, E.; Kang, M.; Shuang, B.; Kourentzi, K.; Poongavanam, M.-V.; Dhamane, S.; Willson, R. C.; Landes, C. F. High ionic strength narrows the population of sites participating in protein ion-exchange adsorption: A single-molecule study. Journal of Chromatography A, 2014, 1343, 135–142. Kisley, L.; Chen, J. X.; Mansur, A. P.; Shuang, B.; Kourentzi, K.; Poongavanam, M.-V.; Chen, W.-H.; Dhamane, S.; Willson, R. C.; Landes, C. F., Unified super-resolution experiments and stochastic theory provide mechanistic insight into protein ion-exchange adsorptive separations. PNAS, 2014, 111, 2075-2080 (Reported by NSF Science360, Rice News, Physics News, Phys.org, and etc.) Shuang, B.; Chen, J. X.; Kisley, L.; Landes, C. F., Troika of single particle tracking programing: SNR enhancement, particle identification, and mapping. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 16, 624-634. Chen, J. X.; Bremauntz, A.; Kisley, L.; Shuang, B.; Landes, C. F., Super-Resolution mbPAINT for Optical Localization of Single-Stranded DNA. ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2013, 5, 9338−9343. (Reported by Rice News, Science Daily, and Novus Light…) Chen, J.X.; Ruther, R.; Tan, Y.; Bishop, L.; Hamers. R. J., Molecules on ZnO surfaces: Molecular Adsorption on ZnO(10-10) Single Crystal Surfaces: Morphology and Charge Transfer. Langmuir 2012, 28, 10437-10455. English, C. R.; Bishop, L. M.; Chen, J. X.; Hamers R. J., Formation of Self-Assembled Monolayers of π-Conjugated Molecules on TiO2 Surfaces by Thermal Grafting of Aryl and Benzyl Halides. Langmuir 2012, 28, 6866-6876. Cai, Y. J.; Zhao, Z.; Chen, J. X.; Yang, T; Cremer, P. S., Deflected Capillary Force Lithography (dCFL). ACS Nano 2012, 6, 1548–1556. (Highlighted in ACS Nano, 2012, 6, 998) Chen, J. X.; Franking, R.; Ruther, R. E.; Tan, Y. Z.; He, X. Y.; Hogendoorn, S. R.; Hamers, R. J., Formation of Molecular Monolayers on TiO2 Surfaces: A Surface Analogue of the Williamson Ether Synthesis. Langmuir 2011, 27, 6879-6889. Chan, Y. H.; Chen, J. X.; Liu, Q. S.; Wark, S. E.; Son, D. H.; Batteas, J. D., Ultrasensitive Copper(II) Detection Using Plasmon-Enhanced and Photo-Brightened Luminescence of CdSe Quantum Dots. Analytical chemistry 2010, 82, 3671-3678. Chen, J. X.; Chan, Y. H.; Yang, T. L.; Wark, S. E.; Son, D. H.; Batteas, J. D., Spatially Selective Optical Tuning of Quantum Dot Thin Film Luminescence. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131, 18204-18205. (Highlighted in JACS Select, an online collection showcasing significant recent publications in JACS; and Photonics Spectra news, an industrial magazine) Chen, J. X.; Liao, W. S.; Chen, X.; Yang, T. L.; Wark, S. E.; Son, D. H.; Batteas, J. D.; Cremer, P. S., Evaporation-Induced Assembly of Quantum Dots into Nanorings. ACS Nano 2009, 3, 173-180. Chen, J. X. (co-first author); Chan, Y. H. (co-first author); Wark, S. E.; Skiles, S. L.; Son, D. H.; Batteas, J. D., Using Patterned Arrays of Metal Nanoparticles to Probe Plasmon Enhanced Luminescence of CdSe Quantum Dots. ACS Nano 2009, 3, 1735-1744. Liao, W. S.; Chen, X.; Yang, T. L.; Castellana, E. T.; Chen, J. X.; Cremer, P. S., Benchtop Chemistry for the Rapid Prototyping of Label-Free Biosensors: Transmission Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Platforms. Biointerphases 2009, 4, 80-85. Shi, J. J.; Chen, J. X.; Cremer, P. S., Sub-100 nm Patterning of Supported Bilayers by Nanoshaving Lithography. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2008, 130, 2718-2719. Zhang, F. X.; Miao, S.; Yang, Y. L.; Zhang, X.; Chen, J. X.; Guan, N. J., Size-Dependent Hydrogenation Selectivity of Nitrate on Pd-Cu/TiO2 Catalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 7665-7671. Liao, W. S.; Chen, X.; Chen, J. X.; Cremer, P. S., Templating Water Stains for Nanolithography. Nano Letters 2007, 7, 2452-2458. Zhang, S. J.; Li, L. D.; Xue, B.; Chen, J. X.; Guan, N. J.; Zhang, F. X., Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Propane over Ni-Al2O3: Effect of Ni Loading. Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 2006, 89, 81-87.
