Ph. D., University of Chicago, Anthropology (1966)
M. A., University of Chicago, Anthropology (1964)
B. A., University of Michgain, Anthropology (1962)
Shellfishing and Human Evolution Journal of Anthropological ArchaeologyKlein, R. G., Bird, D. W.2016; 44: 198-205
Issues in Human Evolution Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesKlein, R. G.2016; 113: 6345-6347
The Middle and Later Stone Age faunal remains from Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Western Cape, South Africa JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCESteele, T. E., Klein, R. G.2013; 40 (9): 3453-3462
Archaeological shellfish size and later human evolution in Africa PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAKlein, R. G., Steele, T. E.2013; 110 (27): 10910-10915
Stable carbon isotopes and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaKlein, R. G.2013; 110 (26): 10470-10472
An early date for cattle from Namaqualand, South Africa: implications for the origins of herding in southern Africa ANTIQUITYOrton, J., Mitchell, P., Klein, R., Steele, T., Horsburgh, K. A.2013; 87 (335): 108-120
Two Holocene rock shelter deposits from the Knersvlakte, southern Namaqualand, South Africa SOUTHERN AFRICAN HUMANITIESOrton, J., Klein, R. G., MacKay, A., Schwortz, S., Steele, T. E.2011; 23: 109-150
Preface to the special issue-Early-Middle Pleistocene Palaeoenvironment in the Levant JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTIONKlein, R.2011; 60 (4): 319-319
The abundance of eland, buffalo, and wild pigs in Middle and Later Stone Age sites JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTIONWeaver, T. D., Steele, T. E., Klein, R. G.2011; 60 (3): 309-314
HILARY JOHN DEACON 1936-2010 In Memoriam SOUTH AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETINKlein, R. G.2010; 65 (191): 109-110