BSc, University of Texas at Austin, Zoology (2002)
MSc, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California - San Diego, Marine Biology (2005)
PhD, University of British Columbia, Zoology (2010)
Hydrodynamic properties of fin whale flippers predict maximum rolling performance. journal of experimental biologySegre, P. S., Cade, D. E., Fish, F. E., Potvin, J., Allen, A. N., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A. S., Goldbogen, J. A.2016; 219: 3315-3320
Kinematic Diversity in Rorqual Whale Feeding Mechanisms CURRENT BIOLOGYCade, D. E., Friedlaender, A. S., Calambokidis, J., Goldbogen, J. A.2016; 26 (19): 2617-2624
Kinematic Diversity in Rorqual Whale Feeding Mechanisms Current BiologyCade, D. E., Friedlaender, A. S., Calambokidis, J., Goldbogen, J. A.2016
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) optimize foraging efficiency by balancing oxygen use and energy gain as a function of prey density. Science advancesHazen, E. L., Friedlaender, A. S., Goldbogen, J. A.2015; 1 (9)
Stretchy nerves are an essential component of the extreme feeding mechanism of rorqual whales CURRENT BIOLOGYVogl, A. W., Lillie, M. A., Piscitelli, M. A., Goldbogen, J. A., Pyenson, N. D., Shadwick, R. E.2015; 25 (9): R360-R361
Mechanical challenges to freshwater residency in sharks and rays. journal of experimental biologyGleiss, A. C., Potvin, J., Keleher, J. J., Whitty, J. M., Morgan, D. L., Goldbogen, J. A.2015; 218: 1099-1110
Feeding rates and under-ice foraging strategies of the smallest lunge filter feeder, the Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). journal of experimental biologyFriedlaender, A. S., Goldbogen, J. A., Nowacek, D. P., Read, A. J., Johnston, D., Gales, N.2014; 217: 2851-2854
Using accelerometers to determine the calling behavior of tagged baleen whales. journal of experimental biologyGoldbogen, J. A., Stimpert, A. K., DeRuiter, S. L., Calambokidis, J., Friedlaender, A. S., Schorr, G. S., Moretti, D. J., Tyack, P. L., Southall, B. L.2014; 217: 2449-2455
Studying cetacean behaviour: new technological approaches and conservation applications ANIMAL BEHAVIOURNowacek, D. P., Christiansen, F., Bejder, L., Goldbogen, J. A., Friedlaender, A. S.2016; 120: 235-244
Discrimination of fast click-series produced by tagged Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) for echolocation or communication JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGYArranz, P., DeRuiter, S. L., Stimpert, A. K., Neves, S., Friedlaender, A. S., Goldbogen, J. A., Visser, F., Calambokidis, J., Southall, B. L., Tyack, P. L.2016; 219 (18): 2898-2907