B.Sc., University of Morelos, Mexico, Biology (1972)
M.Sc., University of Wales, Ecology (1977)
Ph.D., University of Wales, Ecology (1980)
Scattered trees and livestock grazing as keystones organisms for sustainable use and conservation of Mediterranean dehesas JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATIONLopez-Sanchez, A., Miguel, A. S., Dirzo, R., Roig, S.2016; 33: 58-67
Anthropogenic disturbances jeopardize biodiversity conservation within tropical rainforest reserves PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAMartinez-Ramos, M., Ortiz-Rodriguez, I. A., Pinero, D., Dirzo, R., Sarukhan, J.2016; 113 (19): 5323-5328
Large wildlife removal drives immune defence increases in rodents FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGYYoung, H. S., Dirzo, R., Helgen, K. M., McCauley, D. J., Nunn, C. L., Snyder, P., Veblen, K. E., Zhao, S., Ezenwa, V. O.2016; 30 (5): 799-807
Does tropical forest fragmentation affect plant anti-herbivore defensive and nutritional traits? JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGYRuiz-Guerra, B., Guevara, R., Velazquez-Rosas, N., Dirzo, R.2016; 32: 162-164
Livestock vs. wild ungulate management in the conservation of Mediterranean dehesas: Implications for oak regeneration FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENTLopez-Sanchez, A., Perea, R., Dirzo, R., Roig, S.2016; 362: 99-106
Does tropical forest fragmentation affect plant anti-herbivore defensive and nutritional traits? Journal of Tropical EcologyRuiz-Guerra, B., Guevara, R., Velazquez-Rosas, N., Dirzo, R.2016; 32: 162-164
Hemiparasite-host plant interactions in a fragmented landscape assessed via imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONSBarbosa, J. M., Sebastian-Gonzalez, E., Asner, G. P., Knapp, D. E., Anderson, C., Martin, R. E., Dirzo, R.2016; 26 (1): 55-66
Genetics-based interactions among plants, pathogens, and herbivores define arthropod community structure ECOLOGYBusby, P. E., Lamit, L. J., Keith, A. R., Newcombe, G., Gehring, C. A., Whitham, T. G., Dirzo, R.2015; 96 (7): 1974-1984
Genetics-based interactions among plants, pathogens, and herbivores define arthropod community structure. EcologyBusby, P. E., Lamit, L. J., Keith, A. R., Newcombe, G., Gehring, C. A., Whitham, T. G., Dirzo, R.2015; 96 (7): 1974-1984
Drivers of Intensity and Prevalence of Flea Parasitism on Small Mammals in East African Savanna Ecosystems. journal of parasitologyYoung, H. S., Dirzo, R., McCauley, D. J., Agwanda, B., Cattaneo, L., Dittmar, K., Eckerlin, R. P., Fleischer, R. C., Helgen, L. E., Hintz, A., Montinieri, J., Zhao, S., Helgen, K. M.2015; 101 (3): 327-335