Colizzi, V., de Oliveira, T., Roberts, R.J. (2007) Libya should stop denying scientific evidence on HIV. Nature 448: 992.
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Roberts, R.J. (2008) Restriction enzymes at NEB: Over 30 years of innovation. NEB Expressions 2.4: 1-3.
Roberts, R.J. (2008) Foreword to Health and Sports in Africa. A challenge for development. (F.-X. Mbopi-Keou, Ed.). John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France.
Lenz, T., Poot, P., Anton, B.P., Hueben, M., Dalhoff, C., Baessler, O., Glinski, M., Roberts, R.J., Weinhold, E., Dreger, M., Koester, H. (2009) Proteomic Forum 2009 Freie Universitat Berlin (oral presentation).
Roberts, R.J. (2009) Protect our access to medical research. The Boston Globe. March 23, 2009.
Collins, J.J., Endy, D., Hutchison, C.A. III, Roberts, R.J. (2010) Editorial – Synthetic Biology. Nucl. Acids Res. 38: 2513.
Lunnen, K., O’Driscoll, J., Heiter, D., Roberts, R., Wilson, G. (2010) Unusual new restrictionmodification systems. 6th New England Biolabs Meeting on Restriction/Modification, Jacobs University, Bremen, August 1-6, 2010.
Letter to the Editor of The Times from Donald W. Braben and others (2010).
Fomenkov, A., Benner, J., Chan, S.-H., Roberts, R.J., Morgan, R.D. (2011) DrdVI: a new ATP-dependent, multi-subunit restriction-modification system that uses a split methyltransferase for host protection. Abstract for the Nankai meeting.
Chang, Y.-C., Hu, Z., Rachlin, J.N., Anton, B.P., Pokrzywa, R., Choi, H.-P., Faller, L.L.,Guleria, J., Housman, G., Klitgord, N., Mazumdar, V., McGettrick, M.G., Osmani, L., Swaminathan,R., Tao, K., Letovsky, S., Vitkuip, D., Sergre, D., Salzberg, S.L., Celisi, C., Steffen, M., Roberts, R.J.,Kasif, S. (2011) COMBREX: Accelerating the functional annotation of prokaryotic genomes.Abstract for the IWBSB (International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology), Berlin.
Anton, B.P., Clark, T.A., Boitano, M., Korlach, J., Roberts, R.J. (2012) Determination of DNA Methyltransferase Specificity by Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT) Sequencing. Poster, 19th Annual Internal Meeting on Microbial Genomics, Lake Arrowhead, CA. September 16-29, 2012.
Huete-Perez, J.A., Roberts, R.J., Quezada, F. (2012) Marine genome resource sustainability in Central America. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, submitted.
Colwell, R., Avery, S., Berger, J., Davis, G.E., Hamilton, H., Lovejoy, T., Malcom., S.,McMullen, A., Novacek, M., Roberts, R.J., Tapia, R., Machlis, G. (2012) Revisiting Leopold: Resource Stewardship in the National Parks. A Report of the National Park System Advisory Board Science Committee.
Harhay, G.P., McVey, D.S., Korlach, J., Roberts, R., Anton, B.P., Chitko-McKown, C.G.,Clawson, M.L., Heaton, M.P., Harhay, D., Smith, T.P.L. (2012) Application of SMRT genome sequencing to reveal the methylomes of bacteria associated with respiratory disease outbreaks in beef cattle. (Abstract)
Roberts, R. (2012) Nucleic Acids Research and Open Access.
Roberts, R.J. (2012) TOPIC: Arsenic-based Life. Complete technical description in TWENTY-FOUR (24) SECONDS. Annals of Improbable Research 18: 20-21.
Golomb, B.A., Brenner, S., Chalfie, M., Glashow, S.L., Glauber, R.J., Hubel, D.H., Maskin, E.S., Greengard, P., Gross, D.J., Roberts, R., Tonegawa, S., Wilczek, F.A., Brown, E.M., Sejnowski,T.J. (2013) Chocolate habits of Nobel prizewinners. Nature 499: 409.
Roberts, R.J. (2010) Statement before the Subcommittee on Information Policy, the Census and National Archives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding public access to publicly funded research.
Allard, M.W., Pirone, C., Muruvanda, T., Hoffman, M., Soler-Garcia, A.A., Wang, C., Strain,E., Timme, R., Payne, J., Luo, Y., Keys, C.E., Cooper, T., Chin, C.-S., Korlach, J., Musser, S.M.,Zhao, S., Stones, R., Roberts, R.J., Evans, P., Brown, E.W. (2013) Poster for ASM Salmonella Conference.