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Horwitz, Colin P. Adjunct Research Professor Chief Technology Officer, GreenOx Catalysts; Adjunct Research Professor 收藏 完善纠错
Carnegie Mellon University    Department of Chemistry


2003–present Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon University 1995–2003 Associate Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon University 1994–1995 Research Chemist, Carnegie Mellon 1993–1994 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1986 Ph.D., Northwestern University


Green & Environmental

Understanding Green Oxidation Catalysts The common theme in our research is the use of the Fe-TAML activators of hydrogen peroxide to address environmentally significant problems. The combination of the Fe-TAML activator and hydrogen peroxide makes for a powerful oxidizing system. We study the properties of the catalysts and their reactions from both fundamental and practical points of view. One of our goals is to understand in intimate detail the chemistry that occurs during oxidation of a given substrate. A wide array of analytical methods is used to follow the reactions and to analyze the oxidation products so that reaction pathways can be proposed. We also probe toxicity issues associated with the treatment since all of our studies are aligned with the principles of green chemistry. Applying Green Oxidation Catalysts Since the environmental issues that we examine are real-world challenges we look to try to apply them industrially. We have, for example, used the catalysts and hydrogen peroxide in full-scale field trials to remove the colored effluents formed during wood pulp bleaching and also in textile dyeing mills to clean up dyes that do not stick to the fabrics and would end up on our waterways. As the application areas for the Fe-TAML activators continue to expand, opportunities for their use in industrial applications continue to open up for investigation.


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K. G. Wingate, T. R. Stuthridge, L. J. Wright, C. P. Horwitz, T. J. Collins, “Application of TAML Catalysts to Remove Colour from Pulp and Paper Mill Effluents” Water Science and Technology 2004, 49, 255–260. A. Ghosh, A. D. Ryabov, S. M. Mayer, D. C. Horner, D. Prasuhn, S. Sen Gupta, L. Vuocolo, C. Culver, M. P. Hendrich, C. E. F. Rickard, R. E. Norman, C. P. Horwitz, T. J. Collins “Understanding the Mechanism of H+−Induced Demetalation as a Design Strategy for Robust Iron(III) Peroxide-Activating Catalysts” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 12378–12379. Horwitz, C. P. and Ghosh, A. "Method For Making Macrocyclic Tetraamido Compounds" 2003 US 10/371,484. Horwitz, C. P. and Ghosh, A. "Improved Synthesis of Macrocyclic Tetraamido Compounds and New Metal Insertion Process" 2003 US 10/371,591. Collins, T. J., Horwitz, C. P., Ryabov, A. D., Vuocolo, L. D., Gupta, S. S., Ghosh, A., Fattaleh, N. L., Hangun, Y., Steinhoff, B., Noser, C. A., Beach, E., Prasuhn, D., Jr., Stuthridge, T., Wingate, K. G., Hall, J., Wright, L. J., Suckling, I. and Allison, R. W. "Tetraamido macrocyclic ligand catalytic oxidant activators in the pulp and paper industry," ACS Symposium Series 2002, 823, 47–60. Glatzel, P., Bergmann, U., Gu, W., Wang, H., Stepanov, S., Mandimutsira, B. S., Riordan, C., Horwitz, C. P., Collins, T. and Cramer, S. P. "Electronic Structure of Ni Complexes by X-ray Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering)," Journal of the American Chemical Society 2002, 124, 9668–9669. Gordon-Wylie, S. W., Blanton, W. B., Claus, B. L., Horwitz, C. P., Collins, T. J., Boskovic, C. and Christou, G. "Syntheses of selected supramolecules. Toward magnetic building blocks: Synthesis of a planar Co(III)-cation radical-cobalt(III) complex of the binucleating ligand 1,2,4,5-tetrakisbenzene," Inorganic Syntheses 2002, 33, 1–10. Sen Gupta, S., Stadler, M., Noser, C. A., Ghosh, A., Steinhoff, B., Lenoir, D., Horwitz, C. P., Schramm, K.-W. and Collins, T. J. "Rapid total destruction of chlorophenols by activated hydrogen peroxide," Science (Washington, DC, United States) 2002, 296, 326–328. Collins, T. J. and Horwitz, C. P. "Metal Ligand Containing Bleaching Compositions" 2001 US 6,241,779. Ghosh, A., Gupta, S. S., Bartos, M. J., Hangun, Y., Vuocolo, L. D., Steinhoff, B. A., Noser, C. A., Horner, D., Mayer, S., Inderhees, K., Horwitz, C. P., Spatz, J., Ryabov, A. D., Mondal, S. and Collins, T. J. "Green chemistry. Sustaining a high-technology civilization," Pure and Applied Chemistry 2001, 73, 113–118. Horwitz, C. P., Gordon-Wylie, S. W., Leychkis, Y., Flynn, D. M., Weintraub, S. T., Clark, G. R. and Collins, T. J. "Modifying the Chemistry of a Macrocyclic Cobalt Complex by Remote Site Manipulation," Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2001, 105, 8821–8828. Matyjaszewski, K., Goebelt, B., Paik, H.-j. and Horwitz, C. P. "Tridentate Nitrogen-Based Ligands in Cu-Based ATRP: A Structure-Activity Study," Macromolecules 2001, 34, 430–440. Collins, T. J., Gordon-Wylie, S. W. and Horwitz, C. P. "Long-lived Homogenous Amide Containing Macrocyclic Compounds" 2000 US 6,054,580. Collins, T. J. and Horwitz, C. P. "Metal Ligand Containing Bleaching Compositions" 2000 US 6,136,223. Collins, T. J. and Horwitz, C. P. "Catalysis is a key to a better future for the pulp and paper industry," TAPPI Pulping Conference, Orlando, Fla., Oct. 31–Nov. 4, 1999 1999, 2, 703–710. Collins, T. J. and Horwitz, C. P. "Metal Ligand Containing Bleaching Compositions" 1999 US 5,876,625. Hall, J. A., Vuocolo, L. D., Suckling, I. D., Horwitz, C. P., Allison, R. W., Wright, L. J. and Collins, T. J. "Development of the PFe process: a new catalyzed hydrogen peroxide bleaching process," Appita Annual General Conference Proceedings 1999, 53rd, 455–461. Horwitz, C. P., Ciringh, Y. and Weintraub, S. T. "Formation pathway of a Mn(IV),Mn(IV) bis(m-oxo) dimer that incorporates alkali and alkaline earth cations and electron transfer properties of the dimer," Inorganica Chimica Acta 1999, 294, 133–139. Collins, T. J., Fattaleh, N. L., Vuocolo, L. D., Horwitz, C. P., Hall, J. A., Wright, L. J., Suckling, I. D., Allison, R. W. and Fullerton, T. J. "New efficient selective TCF wood pulp bleaching," Pulping Conference, Montreal, Oct. 25–29, 1998 1998, 3, 1291–1300. Collins, T. J., Gordon-Wylie, S. W., Bartos, M. J., Horwitz, C. P., Woomer, C. G., Williams, S. A., Patterson, R. E., Vuocolo, L. D., Paterno, S. A., Strazisar, S. A., Peraino, D. K. and Dudash, C. A. "The design of green oxidants," Green Chemistry 1998, 46–71.
