B.S., Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
Selected Awards and Recognitions
Lead guest editor for a special issue “Optofluidics for Lab on a Chip” for the journal Advances of Optoelectronics”
NSF Career Award, 2008
Member, Optofluidics topic committee for the IEEE/LEOS Summer Topicals 2008
Invention “Optoelectronic Tweezers” selected by R&D Magazine and MICRO/NANO Newsletter as a representative of the best 25 micro- and nanotechnology of 2006
Plasmonic photothermal cell surgery
Pulse laser high speed microfludic devices
Pulse laser driven high speed fluorescent activated cell sorters
Nanowire ehhanced optomagnetic tweezers
Microfluidic integrated optoelectronic tweezers
Optoelectronic tweezers for droplet manipulation and chemical preparation
Fan, Y.-J., Sheen, H.-J., Chiou, P. Y., “High Throughput and Parallel Flow Cytometer with Solid Immersion Microball Lens Array,” submitted, 2012.
Yamane, D., Wu, Yi-Chien, Wu, T.-H., Toshiyoshi, H., Teitell, A. M., Chiou, P. Y. “Electrical impedance monitoring of photothermal porated mammalian cells,” submitted, 2012.
Xu, J., Teslaa, T., Wu, T.-H., Chiou, P.-Y., Teitell, M. Weiss, S. “Nanoblade delivery and incorporation of quantum dot conjugates into tubulin networks in live cells,” Nano Letter, 12, pp 5669–5672, 2012.
Wu, T-H., Chen, Y., Park, S., Hong, J., Teslaa, T., Zhong, J. F., Di Carlo, D., Teitell, M. A., Chiou, P. Y., “Pulsed laser triggered high speed microfluidic fluorescence activated cell sorter,” Lab on Chip, 12, pp 1378-1383 2012. (Highlight in Nature Photonics in May 2012)
French C.T., Toesca I.J., Wu T.H., Teslaa T., Beaty S.M., Wong W., Liu M., Schroder I., Chiou P.Y., Teitell M.A., Miller J.F., “Dissection of the Burkholderia intracellular life cycle using a photothermal nanoblade,” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jul 19;108(29)12905-100. Epub 2011 Jul 5.
Park S.Y., Wu T.H., CHen Y., Teitell M.A., Chiou P.Y., “High-speed droplet generation on demand driven by pulse laser-induced cavitation,” Lab Chip. 2011 Mar 21;11(6):1010-2. Epub 2011 Feb 2.
Wu T.H., Teslaa T., Kalim S., French C.T., Moghadam S., Wall R., Miller J.F., Witte O.N., Teitell M.A., Chiou P.Y., “Photothermal nanoblade for large cargo delivery into mammalian cells,” Anal Chem. 2011 Feb 15;83(4):1321-7. Epub 2011 Jan 19.
Wu T.H., Teslaa T., Teitell M.A., Chiou P.Y., “Photothermal nanoblade for patterned cell membrane cutting,” Opt Express. 2010 Oct 25;18(22):23153-60.
Wang S., Chen K.J., Wu T.H., Wang H., Lin W.Y., Ohashi M., Chiou P.Y., Tseng H.R., “Photothermal effects of supramolecularly assembled gold nanoparticles for the targeted treatment of cancer cells,” Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2010 May 17;49(22):3777-81.