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一、个人情况 张宏忠,男,1968年4月出生,河南省新乡市人,中共党员,工学博士,教授,博士生导师(陕西科技大学)。“环境污染治理与生态修复河南省协同创新中心”常务副主任,“中国轻工业污染治理与资源化重点实验室”主任,“河南省污染水体水质监测、净化及生态修复创新团队”带头人,环境工程河南省重点学科带头人,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人,校级师德先进个人和“三育人”先进个人。主要研究方向是纳米半导体材料光催化过程及应用;膜分离及水处理技术;工业三废综合治理与资源化等。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部重点科研项目、河南省重大公益招标项目、河南省高校人才创新计划等。迄今共发表论文100余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇,ESI热点论文及高被引论文1篇;授权发明专利12项;成果获省部级科研奖励7项,指导大学生获国家级学科竞赛奖励2项。 二、教育背景 2001.10-2005.03,北京科技大学,土木与环境工程学院,博士 1992.09-1995.07,河南师范大学,化学系,硕士 1986.09-1988.07,郑州轻工业学院化工系,学士 三、工作经历 1988.07-至今,郑州轻工业学院,材料与化学工程学院,教授 2005.12-2006.06,格里菲斯大学黄金海岸校区,环境学院,国家公派访问学者 2009.01-2009.08,格里菲斯大学黄金海岸校区,环境学院,公派访问学者




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《表面活性剂分析》,化学工业出版社,ISBN:9787122062291,2009.10,副主编。 Zhang H*, Dong F, Fang S, Ye C, Wang M, Cheng H, Han Z, Zhai S. Fabrication of macroporous titanium dioxide film using PMMA microspheres as template [J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 386:73-9. Zhang H*, Fang S, Ye C, Wang M, Cheng H, Wen H, Meng X. Treatment of waste filature oil/water emulsion by combined demulsification and reverse osmosis [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 63(2): 264-8. Zhang H*, Fang S, Song Q, Wang D. Study on the application of absorption spectrum to the treatment of landfill leachate by membrane technology [J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2006, 26(8): 1449-53. Du J, Zhang Y, Guo W, et al. Chronic impacts of TiO2 nanoparticles on Populus nigra L. leaf decomposition in freshwater ecosystem[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 350: 121-127. Zhang X, Zhou Y, Zhao S, et al. Effect of Fe (II) in low-nitrogen sewage on the reactor performance and microbial community of an ANAMMOX biofilter[J]. Chemosphere, 2018, 200: 412-418. Zhang X*, Zhou Y, Xu T, Zheng K, Zhang R, Peng Z, Zhang H*. Toxic effects of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles in environmental concentration on the nitrogen removal, microbial activity and community of Anammox process [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332:42-8. Zhang X, Zhou Y, Ma Y, Zhang N, Zhao S, Zhang R, Zhang J, Zhang H*. Effect of inorganic carbon concentration on the stability and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria community structure of the CANON process in a membrane bioreactor [J]. Environmental technology, 2018, 39(4): 457-63. Du J*, Zhang Y, Guo W, Li N, Gao C, Cui M, Lin Z, Wei M, Zhang H*. Chronic impacts of TiO2 nanoparticles on Populus nigra L. leaf decomposition in freshwater ecosystem [J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2018, 350:121-7. Zhang X*, Zhang N, Wang L, Zheng K, Fu H, Chen T, Zhang H*, Yan Y*. Bioactivity and microbial community structure of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in five membrane bioreactors operated as CANON process with different C/N ratio [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 99:159-63. Pang L*, Yang H, Yang P, Zhang H*, Zhao J. Trace determination of organophosphate esters in white wine, red wine, and beer samples using dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry [J]. Food Chemistry, 2017, 229:445-51. Du J*, Zhang Y, Liu L, Qv M, Lv Y, Yin Y, Zhou Y, Cui M, Zhu Y, Zhang H*. Can visible light impact litter decomposition under pollution of ZnO nanoparticles? [J]. Chemosphere, 2017, 187:368-75. Du J*, Zhang Y, Cui M, Yang J, Lin Z, Zhang H*. Evidence for negative effects of ZnO nanoparticles on leaf litter decomposition in freshwater ecosystems [J]. Environmental Science-Nano, 2017, 4(12): 2377-87. Zhang Z*, Zhai S, Wang M, Ji H, He L, Ye C, Wang C, Fang S, Zhang H*. Photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B by using a nanocomposite of cuprous oxide, three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide, and nanochitosan prepared via one-pot synthesis [J]. Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, 2016, 659:101-11. Zhang X, Yu B, Zhang N, Zhang H, Wang C, Zhang H*. Effect of inorganic carbon on nitrogen removal and microbial communities of CANON process in a membrane bioreactor [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 202:113-8. Pang L, Pang R, Ge L, Zheng L, Zhao J, Zhang H*. Trace determination of organophosphate esters in environmental water samples with an ionogel-based nanoconfined ionic liquid fiber coating for solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography and flame photometric detection [J]. Journal Of Separation Science, 2016, 39(22): 4415-21. Gui Y*, Zhao J, Wang H, Tian J, Zhang H*. Microwave-assisted gas-liquid interfacial synthesis of WO3 precursor and nano-WO3 for gas-sensing application [J]. Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Electronics, 2016, 27(6): 6445-51. Zhang Z*, Zhai S, Wang M, He L, Peng D, Liu S, Yang Y, Fang S, Zhang H*. Electrochemical sensor based on a polyaniline-modified SnO2 nanocomposite for detecting ethephon [J]. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7(11): 4725-33. Yang Y, Kang M, Fang S, Wang M, He L, Zhao J, Zhang H*, Zhang Z*. Electrochemical biosensor based on three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide and polyaniline nanocomposite for selective detection of mercury ions [J]. Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical, 2015, 214:63-9. Yan F, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Zhao J, Liu S, He L, Feng X, Zhang H*, Zhang Z*. Carboxyl-modified graphene for use in an immunoassay for the illegal feed additive clenbuterol using surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy [J]. Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182(3-4): 855-62. Wang M, Zhai S, Ye Z, He L, Peng D, Feng X, Yang Y, Fang S, Zhang H*, Zhang Z*. An electrochemical aptasensor based on a TiO2/three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide/PPy nanocomposite for the sensitive detection of lysozyme [J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44(14): 6473-9.
