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一、个人情况 桂阳海,男,1974年11月出生,河南省固始县人,工学博士,教授,硕士生导师。澳大利亚Griffith University访问学者,河南省教育厅学术技术带头人,河南省高校创新人才,河南省骨干教师。 长期致力于纳米材料合成新工艺及功能材料的应用研究。开发出微波辅助气-液界面制备纳米WO3及其复合材料的新方法,拓展了纳米材料的制备方法和应用领域;开发出系列高性能纳米气/湿敏材料和稀土抛光材料,降低了能耗,缩短了合成时间,提高了相关性能。用化学方法处理超硬材料cBN,增强了磨料在磨具中的把持力,延长了磨具使用寿命。 近年来主持完成国家自然科学基金、河南省高校创新人才等项目5项;相关成果获河南省科技进步奖三等奖1项,厅级一等奖2项,并在相关公司推广应用;在国内外学术期刊上发表SCI/EI收录论文30多篇;长期承担硕士研究生课程《无机材料加工技术》和本科生课程《无机材料学》等课程的教学工作。 二、教育背景 1995.09-1999.07 中国地质大学(武汉)分析化学专业,获理学学士学位; 2000.09-2003.07 中南大学冶金材料专业,获工学硕士学位; 2003.09-2006.12 华中科技大学材料学专业,获工学博士学位; 三、工作经历 2015.01-2017.06 郑州大学,博士后; 2017.06-2018.06 澳大利亚Griffith University环境与能源材料研究中心,访问学者; 2006.12-至今 郑州轻工业学院,教授




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yanghai Gui*, Haiyan Wang, Kuan Tian, Lele Yang, Huishi Guo, Hongzhong Zhang, Shaoming Fang, Yun Wang, Enhanced gas sensing properties to NO2 of SnO2/rGO nanocomposites synthesized by microwave-assisted gas-liquid interfacial method, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(5): 4900-4907. Yanghai Gui*, Jianbo Zhao, Haiyan Wang, Microwave-assisted gas-liquid interfacial synthesis of WO3 precursor and nano-WO3 for gas-sensing application, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(6): 6445-6451. Yanghai Gui*, Zhendong Liu, Shaoming Fang, Junfeng Tian, Feilong Gong, Synthesis of flower-like WO3/graphene nanocomposite by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method and the enhanced gas-sensing properties to aniline, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2016, 27(3):2890-2895. Yanghai Gui*, Jianbo Zhao, Jingbo Chen, Yuanli Jiang, Preparation and Characterization of Ni Spines Grown on the Surface of Cubic Boron Nitride Grains by Electroplating Method, Materials, 2016, 9(3): 1-8. Yanghai Gui*, Jianbo Zhao, Weimin Wang, Junfeng Tian, Ming Zhao, Synthesis of hemispherical WO3/graphene nanocomposite by a microwave-assisted hydrothermal method and the gas-sensing properties to triethylamine, Materials letters, 2015, 155: 4-7. Yanghai Gui*, Junhua Yuan, Weiming Wang, Jianbo Zhao, Junfeng Tian, Bing Xie, Facile solvothermal synthesis and gas sensitivity of graphene/WO3 nanocomposites, Materials, 2014, 7(6): 4587-4600. Yanghai Gui*, Fanghong Dong, Yonghui Zhang, Yong Zhang, Junfeng Tian, Preparation and gas sensitivity of WO3 hollow microspheres and SnO2 doped heterojunction sensors, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2013, 16(6): 1531-1537. Yanghai Gui*, Changsheng Xie, Jiaqiang Xu, Detection and discrimination of low concentration explosives using MOS nanoparticle sensors, Journal of hazardous materials, 2009, 164(2-3): 1030-1035. Yanghai Gui*, Shumian Li, Jiaqiang Xu, Chao Li, Study on TiO2-doped ZnO thick film gas sensors enhanced by UV light at room temperature, Microelectronics Journal, 2008, 39:1120-1125. Yanghai Gui, Changsheng Xie*, Qinyi Zhang, Mulin Hu, Jun Yu, Zhe Weng, Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanostructures by two-step oxidation of Zn nano- and microparticles, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2006, 289: 663-669. Yanghai Gui, Changsheng Xie*, A novel simplified method for preparing ZnO nanoneedles via H2O2 pre-oxidation, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 93:539-543.
