My research program focuses on the evolution of behavior, particularly the evolution of animal personalities, mating behavior, and antipredator behavior. I am especially interested in the interplay between sexual selection and natural selection. My research falls into three general areas of inquiry: (1) Animal personality and measuring correlations between different behavioral traits; (2) Studies of individual variation in mating preferences, (3) Investigating links between mating behavior and anti-predator behavior. For this work, I am using the field cricket, Gryllus integer. In this species, males call to attract females using a rapid trill, and females generally prefer males with longer durations of uninterrupted trilling to those with shorter durations. Call duration is a heritable trait. I am now investigating correlations among functionally different behavioral traits ("behavioral syndromes") and the genetic basis for these correlations, causes for differences in mating selectivity among females, and mating behavior and anti-predator behavior in populations that differ in predation. My work has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Academy of Finland.
Animal personality; correlations among functionally different traits; genetic basis for individual differences in behavior; mate choice and sexual selection; antipredator behavior.
Hedrick, A. (Editor) 2017. The development of animal personality. e-book, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, doi:10.3389/fevo.2017.00014
DiRienzo, N. & A. Hedrick. 2014. Animal personalities and their implications for complex signaling. Current Zoology 60: 381-386.
Hedrick, A.V. & J. Bunting. 2013. An attractive male trait and aggressiveness are negatively correlated in wild field crickets, but uncorrelated in lab-reared crickets. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68: 233-238.
Hedrick, A. 2013. Family effects on anti-predator behavior in the field cricket Gryllus integer. Journal of Insect Behavior 26: 832-836.
Polkii, M., Kortet, R., Hedrick, A. & Rantala, M. 2013. Dominance is not always an honest signal of quality but females may be able to detect the dishonesty. Biology Letters 9: 20121002.
DiRienzo, N., Pruitt, J., & A.V. Hedrick Juvenile exposure to acoustic signals from conspecifics alters developmental trajectory and adult personality. Animal Behaviour 84: 861-868.
Hedrick, A.V. & R. Kortet. 2012. Effects of body size on selectivity for mating cues in different sensory modalities. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105: 160-168.
Hedrick, A. & R.K. Kortet. 2012. Sex differences in the repeatability of boldness over metamorphosis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 407-412.
Hedrick, A. & R. Kortet. 2012. Effects of body size on selectivity for mating cues in different sensory modalities. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105:160-168.
Niemela P., DiRienzo N., & Hedrick, A. 2012. Predator-induced changes in the boldness of naive field crickets, Gryllus integer, depends on behavioural type. Animal Behavior 84, 129-135.
Niemela,P., Vainikka A., Hedrick, A. & Kortet R. 2011. Integrating behaviour with life history: boldness of the field cricket, Gryllus integer, during ontogeny. Functional Ecology 26: 450-456.
Kortet, R., Hedrick A.V. & Vainikka, A. 2010. Parasitism, predation and the evolution of animal personalities. Ecology Letters 13: 1449-1458.
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 2010. Long-distance signals influence assessment of close range mating displays in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100: 856-865.
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 2009. Single versus multiple cues in mate discrimination by males and females. Animal Behaviour 77: 151-159.
Leonard, A.S. & A.V. Hedrick. 2009. Male and female crickets use different decision rules in response to mating signals. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1175-1184.
Kortet, R. & A. Hedrick. 2007. A behavioural syndrome in the field cricket Gryllus integer: intrasexual aggression is correlated with activity in a novel environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 475-482.
Kortet, R.K. & A.V. Hedrick. 2004. Detection of the spider predator, Hololena nedra by naive juvenile field crickets using indirect cues. Behaviour 141: 1189-1196.
Kortet, R., M.J. Rantala & A. Hedrick. 2007. Boldness in anti-predator behavior and immune defense in field crickets. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 185-197.
Hedrick, A.V., M. Hisada & B. Mulloney. 2007. Tama-kugel: Hardware and software for measuring direction, distance and velocity of locomotion by insects. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 164: 86-92.
Kortet, R.K. & A.V. Hedrick. 2005. The scent of dominance: female field crickets use odor to predict the outcome of male competition. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 59: 77-83.
Hedrick, A.V. & R.K. Kortet. 2006. Hiding behaviour in two cricket populations that differ in predation pressure. Animal Behaviour 72: 1111-1118.
Hedrick, A.V. 2005. Environmental condition-dependent effects on a heritable, preferred male trait in the field cricket, Gryllus integer. Animal Behaviour 70:1121-1124.
Hedrick, A.V. & B. Mulloney. 2004. A multichannel electronic monitor of acoustic behaviors, and software to parse individual channels. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 133: 201-210.
Hedrick, A.V., D. Perez, N. Lichti & J. Yew. 2002. Temperature preferences of male field crickets (Gryllus integer) alter their mating calls. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188: 799-805.
Hedrick, AV. 2000. Crickets with extravagant mating songs compensate for predation risk with extra caution. Proceedings, Royal Society of London B. 267:671-675