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The University of Michigan-Dearborn B.S. 1981 Purdue University Ph.D. 1986


Molecular biochemistry, structural biology

Protein structure/function relationships Molecular and cellular biology of meiosis Chromosome structure Chemical detoxification


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Swatzell, L.J., Edelmann, R.E., Makaroff, C.A., Kiss, J.Z. 1999 Integrin-Like Proteins Are Localized to Membrane Fractions, Not Plastids, in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 40, 173-183. *Zang, T.M., **Hollman, D.A., Crawford, P., Crowder, M.W., Makaroff, C.A. 2001 Arabidopsis Glyoxalase II Contains A Zinc/Iron Binuclear Metal Center That is Essential for Substrate Binding And Catalysis. J. Biol. Chem., 267:4788-4795 Dong, F., Xue, C., Makaroff, C.A. 2001 Cloning and Characterization of Two Arabidopsis Genes That Belong to the RAD21/REC8 Family of Chromosome Cohesin Proteins. Gene, 271:91-108 Xue, C., Makaroff, C.A. 2001 The dsy10 Mutation of Arabidopsis Results Desynapsis and a General Breakdown in Meiosis. Sex. Plant Repro., 14: 63-67 *Paxson-Sowders, D. M., **Dodrill, C., Owen, H.A., Makaroff, C. A. 2001 Isolation and Characterization of dex1, a Gene Essential for Exine Pattern Formation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 127:1739-1749 Yang, X., Makaroff, C.A., Ma, H. 2003 The Arabidopsis Male Meiocyte Death1 Gene Is Required For Male Meiosis And Encodes a Novel Putative Chromatin Remodeling Factor. Plant Cell, 15, 1281-1295 Yang, K.-W., **Sobieski, D.N., Carenbauer, A.L., Crawford, P.A., Makaroff, C.A., Crowder, M.W. 2003 Explaining the Inhibition of Glyoxalase II by 9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-protected Glutathione Derivatives. Archives Biochem. Biophys., 414, 271-278 Xue, C., Dong, F., Edelman, R., Makaroff, C.A. 2003 The Arabidopsis SYN1 Cohesin Protein is Required For Sister Chromatid Arm Cohesion and Homologous Chromosome Pairing. J Cell Science, 116: 2999-3007 Mercier, R., Armstrong, S.J., Horlow, C., Jackson, N.P., Makaroff, C.A., Vezon, D., Pelletier, G., Jones, G.H., Franklin, F.C. 2003 The Meiotic Protein SWI1 is Required For Axial Element Formation and Recombination Initiation in Arabidopsis. Development 130: 3309-3318 Schilling, O., *Wenzel, N., **Naylor, M., Vogel, A., Crowder, M., Makaroff, C., and Meyer–Klaucke, W. 2003 Flexible Metal Binding of the Metallo–b–Lactamase Domain: Glyoxalase II Incorporates Iron, Manganese, and Zinc in vivo. Biochem., 42:11777-11786 *Wenzel N.F., Carenbauer A.L., **Pfiester M.P., Schilling O., Meyer-Klaucke W., Makaroff C.A., Crowder M.W. 2004 The Binding of Iron and Zinc to Glyoxalase II Occurs Exclusively as Di-metal Centers and is Unique Within the Metallo-beta-lactamase Family. J Bio. Inorg Chem. 9:429-438 Yang, X., Makaroff, C.A., Ma, H. 2004 Characterization of an Unusual Ds Element: Evidence for Insertion by a Circular Intermediate. Plant Mol. Biol. 55:751-763 *Lam, W. S., Yang, X., Makaroff, C.A. 2005 Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana SMC: Evidence That AtSMC3 May Have Additional Roles Beyond Chromosome Cohesion. J. Cell Science, 118:3037-3048. Li, W., Yang, X., Lin, Z., Timofejeva L., Xiao, R., Makaroff, C.A., Ma, H. 2005 Normal Meiotic Chromosome Pairing, double Strand DNA Break Repair, and Synapsis Requires the AtRAD51C gene in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 138:965-976. *Marasinghe, G. P. K., **Sander,, I.M., Bennett, B., Periyannan, G., Yang, K.-W., Makaroff, C.A., Crowder, M.W. 2005 Structural Studies On A Mitochondrial Glyoxlase II, J. Biol. Chem., 280: 40668-40675 *Zhe, L., Makaroff, C. A. 2006 Arabidopsis AtESP1 is an Essential Gene Required for the Release of Sister Chromatid Cohesion. Plant Cell, 18: 1213-1225 Zou, D., Yang, X., Li Quan, L.,Timofejeva, L., Rigel. N.W., Ma, H., Makaroff, C.A., 2006 ASK1, a SKP1-like Gene, is Required for Chromosome Pairing Condensation and Separation and involved in SYN1 Cohesin Degradation During Meiosis. Plant Mol. Biol., 63: 99-110 McCoy, J.G., Bingman, C.A., Eduard, B., *Holdorf, M.M., Makaroff, C.A., Phillips, G. N. 2006 Structure of an ETHE1-like Protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Crystallographica, Sec. D, 964-970. Zou, D., Yang, X., Timofejeva, L. Ma, H., Makaroff, C.A., 2006 The Arabidopsis SKP1 homologue ASK1 controls meiotic chromosome remodeling and release of chromatin from the nuclear membrane and nucleolus, J. Cell Sci, 19: 4025-4032 Pereira, LAR, Bratanova, M, Xue, C, Makaroff, CA, Emery, RJN, Moffatt, BA 2006 Methyl Recycling activities are Co-ordinately regulated During Plant Development. J Exp. Botany, submitted
