Evolution, ecology, phylogeny, and biogeography of the pierid butterflies. Evolution of seasonality. Insect-host plant interactions. Phenotypic plasticity and canalization. Biogeography of the Andean region and Patagonia. History and philosophy of biology, especially the creation-evolution question.
Gompert,Z., C.C.Nice, J.A.Fordyce, M.L.Forister and A.M.Shapiro.2006. Identifying units for conservation using molecular taxonomy: the cautionary tale of the Karner Blue butterfly. Molecular Ecology 15: 1759- 1768.
Gompert,Z., J.A. Fordyce, M.L.Forister, A.M. Shapiro and C.C. Nice. 2006. Homoploid hybrid speciation in an extreme habitat. Science 314: 1923-1925.
Oliver, J.C. and A.M. Shapiro. 2007. Genetic isolation and cryptic variation within the Lycaena xanthoides species-group (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Molecular Ecology 16: 4308-4320.
Shapiro, A.M., M.L. Forister and J.A. Fordyce. 2007. Extreme high-altitude Asian and Andean Pierid butterflies are not each others' closest relatives. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 137-142.
Shapiro, A.M. and T.D. Manolis. 2007. Field Guide to the Butterflies of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Valley Regions. California Natural History Guides, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. 346 pp.
Forister, M.L., C.C. Nice, J.A. Fordyce, Z. Gompert and A.M. Shapiro. 2008. Considering evolutionary processes in the use of single-locus genetic data for conservation, with examples from the Lepidoptera. Journal of Insect Conservation 12: 37-51.
Shapiro, A.M. 2009. The neo-riparian butterfly fauna of western Argentina. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 41: 24-30.
Shapiro, A.M. 2009. Revisiting the pre-European butterfly fauna of the Sacramento Valley, California. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 41: 31-39.
Forister, M.L., J.P.Jahner,K.L.Casner,J.S.Wilson and A.M. Shapiro. 2011. The race is not to the swift: long-term data reveal pervasive declines in California's low-elevation butterfly fauna. Ecology 92: 2222-2235.
O'Brien, J.M., J.H. Thorne, M.L.Forister and A.M.Shapiro.2011. Once-yearly sampling for the detection of trends in biodiversity: the case of Willow Slough, California. Biological Conservation 144: 2012-2019.
Forister,M.L.,J.A.Fordyce,A.C.McCall and A.M. Shapiro. 2011. A complete record from colonization to extinction reveals density-dependence and the importance of winter conditions for a population of Silvery Blues, Glaucopsyche lygdamus. Journal of Insect Science 11, article 130: 1-9.
Jahner,J.P.,M.M.Bonilla,K.J.Badik,A.M.Shapiro and M.L.Forister.2011. Use of exotic hosts by Lepidoptera: widespread species colonize more novel hosts. Evolution 65: 2719-2724.
Jahner,J.P.,A.M.Shapiro and M.L.Forister.2012. Drivers of hybridization in a 66-generation record of Colias butterflies. Evolution 66: 818-830.