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011–present Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University (beginning July 2011) 2008–2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University 2003–2008 Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of British Columbia


Catalysis/Materials & Nanoscience/Polymer

Research in our group is focused on the synthesis of new compounds possessing main group elements to impact polymer chemistry and catalysis. The advent of synthetic polymer chemistry has had an enormous impact on our modern world. Though most commercial polymeric materials are made from organic synthons, the incorporation of main group elements or transition metals into polymer backbones can afford materials with unique properties. The synthetic preparation of these materials remains challenging and continued development will result in unique macromolecular architectures. New design strategies to incorporate inorganic elements such as boron and phosphorus into electronic materials will be explored. The chemistry of transition metals and their use as catalysts to install functionality while controlling regio- and stereochemistry remains an important challenge in chemical synthesis. Sophisticated ligand design can offer mechanistic insight to known reactions while also leading to new catalytic activity. Our research group aims to build unique ligand frameworks using organophosphorus chemistry and apply these in catalyst systems. Many areas of catalysis will be explored including polyolefin synthesis and the development of methodologies to prepare functional organic substrates.


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Schroder, K.; Matyjaszewski, K.; Noonan, K. J. T.; Mathers, R. T. Towards Sustainable Polymer Chemistry With Homogeneous Metal-Based Catalysts. Green Chemistry 2014, 16, 1673-1686. Link: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/gc/c3gc42159g#!divAbstract Qiu, Y.; Worch, J. C.; Chirdon, D. N.; Kaur, A.; Maurer, A. B.; Amsterdam, S.; Collins, C. R.; Pintauer, T.; Yaron, D.; Bernhard, S.; Noonan, K. J. T. Tuning Thiophene with Phosphorus: Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Benzobisthiaphospholes. Chemistry A European Journal 2014, 20, 7746-7751. Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.201402561/abstract Tsai, C. H.; Chirdon, D. N.; Maurer, A. B.; Bernhard, S.; Noonan, K. J. T. Synthesis of Thiophene 1,1-Dioxides and Tuning Their Optoelectronic Properties. Organic Letters 2013, 15, 5230-5233. Link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ol4024024 Worch, J.C.; Chirdon, D. N.; Maurer, A. B.; Qiu, Y. Geib, S. J.; Bernhard, S.; Noonan, K. J. T.; Synthetic Tuning of Electronic and Photophysical Properties of 2-Aryl-1,3-Benzothiaphospholes. Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2013, 78, 7462–7469. Noonan, K. J. T.; Hugar, K.M.; Kostalik, H. A.; Lobkovsky, E. B.; Abruna, H. D. Coates, G. W. Phosphonium Functionalized Polyethylene: A New Class of Base Stable Alkaline Anion Exchange Membranes. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 134, 18161-18164. Noonan, K. J. T.; Gillon, B. H.; Cappello, V.; Gates, D. P. Phosphorus-containing block copolymer templates can control the size and shape of gold nanostructures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 12876-12877. Noonan, K. J. T.; Feldscher, B.; Bates, J. I.; Kingsley, J. J.; Yam, M.; Gates, D. P. Chemical functionality of poly(methylenephosphine): phosphine-borane adducts and methylphosphonium ionomers. Dalton Transactions, 2008, 4451-4457. Noonan, K. J. T.; Gates, D. P. Studying a slow polymerization: a kinetic investigation of the living anionic polymerization of P=C bonds. Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 1961-1965. Masuda, J. D.; Jantunen, K. C.; Ozerov, O. V.; Noonan, K. J. T.; Gates, D. P.; Scott, B. L.; Kiplinger, J. L. A lanthanide phosphinidene complex: synthesis, structure, and phospha-wittig Reactivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 2408-2409. Noonan, K. J. T.; Patrick, B. O.; Gates, D. P. Redox-active iron-containing polymers: Synthesis and anionic polymerization of a C-ferrocenyl-substituted phosphaalkene. Chemical Communications, 2007, 3658-3660. Noonan, K. J. T.; Gates, D. P. Ambient-temperature living anionic polymerization of phosphaalkenes: homopolymers and block copolymers with controlled chain lengths. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2006, 45, 7271-7274.
