2008-今 云南大学,教师
2006-2007 University of New Brunswick,Canda,博士后
2000-2005 中国科学技术大学材料科学与工程系,获博士学位
1995-2000 中国科学技术大学材料科学与工程系,获学士学位
1. Li BG, Z. Long, H. Zeng, L. Bai, Y.Z. Xu, H.B. Li*, Effect of LDHs on the thermal and fire properties of PS nanocomposites fabricated by seed emulsion polymerization, 1st Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Safety Materials Science and Engineering.
2. 周公文,李宝光,龙泽,曾辉,李海滨,“固体氧化物燃料电池电解质薄膜制备技术研究进展”,《电源技术》,2016(2)。
3. Li HB, Xia CR, Zhu MH, Zhou ZX, Wei XL, Meng GY, "Increasing the sinterability of tape cast oxalate-derived doped ceria powder by ball milling", Ceramics International, 33 (2), 2007, 201-205.
4. Li HB, Xia CR, Zhu MH, Zhou ZX, Meng GY, "Reactive Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 powder synthesized by carbonate coprecipitation: Sintering and electrical characteristics", Acta Materialia, 54 (3), 2006, 721–727.
5. Li HB, Xia CR, Zhou ZX, Zhu MH, Meng GY, "Improving the Anode Microstructure for SOFC with Co-precipitated Composite NiO/ Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 Powder", Journal of Materials Science, 41 (10), 2006, 3185-3187.
6. Li HB, Xia CR, Fang XH, He X, Wei XL, Meng GY, "Co-sintering of SDC/NiO-SDC bi-layers prepared by tape casting", Key Engineering Materials, 280-283, 2005, 779-784.
7. Cheng JG, Li HB, Liu XQ, Meng GY, "Gradient Ni/SDC anodes for solid oxide fuel cells by tape casting",
Materials Science Forum, 423-4, 2003, 449-452.
8. Cheng JG, Li HB, Liu XQ, Meng GY, "Properties of Ni/SCO anode supports prepared by tape casting",
Rare Metal Materials And Engineering, 32 (12), 2003, 986-990.
9. Zha SW, Li HB, Xia CR, Liu XQ, Meng GY, “Electrochemical properties of La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.8 electrolyte and its application to SOFCs”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities” 24 (3), 2003, 506-508.