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理学博士,研究员,硕士生导师,云南省引进高层次人才,入选“中青年学术技术带头人后备人才”培育计划。担任中国材料研究学会青年工作委员会理事,中国物理学会终身会员。 一直从事科研和教学工作。为本科生讲授《能源材料》、《工程力学》和《固体物理》等课程,曾为硕士研究生讲授《材料制备与合成》和《红外光电子材料》等课程。共主持包括国家自然科学基金、教育部重点、云南省应用基础面上项目在内的12个科研项目。迄今已发表SCI收录论文60余篇(其中以第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI收录论文43篇),共被引用870余次,H因子为15。共获得7项发明专利授权。 受教育经历 2004/03-2007/01,中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,红外物理国家重点实验室,博士(导师:陆卫) 2001/09-2004/01,昆明理工大学,材料系,硕士(导师:张鹏翔) 1997/09-2001/07,云南大学,物理系,学士 工作经历 2018/03至今,云南大学,材料科学与工程学院,教学科研 2017/03-2018/03,美国休斯敦大学,电子工程系,访问学者 2016/01-2017/06,云南大学,材料科学与工程学院,教学科研 2007/07-2015/12,云南大学,工程技术研究院,教学科研


1. 全无机钙钛矿光电子材料与器件 2. 稀磁掺杂量子点自旋电子材料 3. 硅基量子点及其光电探测器件 4. 硅基发光材料与器件


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

L.X. Ouyang#, C. Wang#,*, X.X. Feng, J. Yang, F. Qiu, R.F. Wang, Y. Yang, “Light emitting properties of Si+ self-ion implanted silicon-on-insulator from visible to infrared band”, Optics Express, 26(2018) 15899-15906. M. McDowell, A. Metzger, C. Wang, J.M. Bao, J.M. Tour, A.A. Marti, “Singular wavelength dependence on the sensitization of lanthanides by graphene quantum dots”, Chemical Communications, 54(2018) 4325-4328. Q.J. Shu, J. Yang, Q.B. Chi, T. Sun, C. Wang*, Y. Yang, “Microstructure and optical response optimization of Ge/Si quantum dots transformed from the sputtering-grown Ge thin film by manipulating the thermal annealing”, Nanotechnology, 29 (2018) 045602. J. Yang, M.L. Zhang, X. Lan, X.K. Weng1, R.F. Wang, F. Qiu, C. Wang*, Y. Yang, “Controllable Fabrication of Non-Close-Packed Colloidal Nanoparticle Arrays by Ion Beam Etching”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 13 (2018)177. L. Tong, F. Qiu, T.J. Zeng, J. Long, J. Yang, R.F. Wang, J. Zhang, C. Wang*, T. Sun, Y. Yang*, “Recent progress in the preparation and application of quantum dots/graphene composite materials”, RSC Advances, 7 (2017)47999-48018. J. Yang, B. Zhao, C. Wang*, F. Qiu, R.F. Wang, Y. Yang, “Improving the growth of Ge/Si islands by modulating the spacing between screen and accelerator grids in ion beam sputtering deposition system”, Applied Surface Science, 386 (2016) 303-308. C. Wang*, S.Y. Ke, J. Yang, Y. Yang, “Review of quantum dot-in-a-well infrared photodetectors and prospect of new structures”, Journal Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16 (2016) 8046-8054. P. He, C. Wang*, C. Li, J. Yang, F. Qiu, R.F. Wang, Y. Yang, “Optical properties of the low-energy Ge-implanted and annealed SiO2 films”, Optical Materials, 46 (2015) 491-496. C. Wang*, S.Y. Ke, J. Yang, F. Qiu, R.F. Wang, Y. Yang, “Electronic properties of single Ge/Si quantum dot grown by ion beam sputtering deposition”, Nanotechnology, 26 (2015) 105201. C. Wang, Y. Yang, Z.F. Li, X.S. Chen, S.C. Shen, J.M. Liu, W. Lu, “Manipulation of quantum interference effects in La0.39Pr0.28Ca0.33MnO3-δ film by p-n junction at high temperature”, Journal of Applied Physics,103 (2008) 103705-103710. C. Wang, B. Zhang, C.S. Xia, T.X. Li, X.S. Chen, W. Lu, Q. Gong, “Optical transitions of surface InAs/GaAs (311B) quantum dots clearly identified by the piezoreflectance technique”, Applied Surface Science, 254 (2008) 4626-4631. C. Wang, Z.F. Li, X. M. Chen, J.M. Liu, H.Y. Cui, Y. Yang, W. Lu. “Study on carrier behavior in La0.9Ba0.1MnO3-δ/SrTiO3:Nb p-n heterojunction”, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 4282-4287. C. Wang, P. P. Chen, N. Y. Tang, C. S. Xia, W. Lu. “Piezomodulated and photomodulated reflectivity study of strained InGaAs/GaAs single quantum well”. Phys. Lett. A, 350 (2006) 269-273. S.Y. Ke, J. Yang, F. Qiu, Z.Q. Wang, C. Wang∗, Yu Yang, “Secondary growth mechanism of SiGe islands deposited on a mixed-phase microcrystalline Si by ion beam co-sputtering”, Nanotechnology, 26 (2015) 445602. S.Y. Ke, S. Ye, J. Yang, Z.Q. Wang, C. Wang*, Yu Yang, “Morphological evolution of self-assembled SiGe islands based on a mixed-phase pre-SiGe island layer grown by ion beam sputtering deposition”, Applied Surface Science, 328 (2015) 387-394. Y. Yang*, J.M. Bao, C. Wang*, M.J. Aziz, “Sub-bandgap luminescence centers in silicon created by self-ion implantation and thermal annealing”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107(2010) 123109. Z. Zhang , R.F. Wang , J. Zhang , H.S. Li, J Zhang, F Qiu, J Yang , C. Wang*, Y Yang, “Direct growth of Ge quantum dots on the graphene/SiO2/Si structure by using ion beam sputtering deposition”, Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) 305601. J. Yang, B. Zhao, C. Wang*, F. Qiu, R.F. Wang, Y. Yang, “Improving the growth of Ge/Si islands by modulating the spacing between screen and accelerator grids in ion beam sputtering deposition system”, Applied Surface Science, 386 (2016) 303-308. Y. Yang, J.M. Bao, C. Wang*, M.J. Aziz, “Sub-bandgap luminescence centers in silicon created by self-ion implantation and thermal annealing”, Journal of Applied Physics, 107(2010) 123109. J. Chen, S.X. Wang, S. Zhang, X.J. Yang, Z.J. Huang, C. Wang, Q.Y. Wei, G.L. Zhang, J. Xiao, F.Z. Jiang, J. Chang, X. Xiang, J. Wang, “Arsenic pollution and its treatment in Yangzonghai lake in China: In situ remediation”, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 122(2015) 178-185.
