Nutrient and phytoplankton interactions in the sea, especially those involving diatoms and eutrophic regions.
DROUGHT - How does the Low Salinity Zone (LSZ) perform in a severe drought year, 2014?
NASA-HICO - Impacts of population growth on the San Francisco Bay and Delta ecosystem
LIBERTY - Phytoplankton production and nutrient transformations in shallow water wetland habitats
LAG - Studies on the effects of wastewater on nitrogen and phytoplankton dynamics along the Sacramento River using a lagrangian-based approach
DASH - How do interacting dynamic and stationary habitat components affect phytoplankton physiological status and ability to form blooms in the low salinity zone (LSZ)?
NUTRIENT RATIOS - Understanding the effects of nutrient forms, nutrient ratios and light availability on the lower food web of the Delta
MICROCYSTIS - The role of Microcystis blooms in the Delta food web: a functional approach
NITRIFICATION - Determine distribution, concentration and fate of ammonium in the Sacramento River and the Low Salinity Zone
FALL HABITAT - Determine the influence of elevated ammonium on phytoplankton physiology in the SFE Delta during fall
DRAKES ESTERO - The influence of coastal nutrients on phytoplankton productivity in a shallow low inflow estuary, Drakes Estero, California (USA)
Cohen. R., F.P. Wilkerson, A.E. Parker, E. Carpenter. 2014 Ecosystem scale rates of primary production within wetland habitats of the northern San Francisco Estuary. Wetlands 34: 759-774. doi 10.1007/s13157-014-0540-3. PDF
Glibert, P.M., F.P. Wilkerson, R. C. Dugdale, A. E. Parker, J. Alexander, S. Blaser, S. Murasko. 2014 Phytoplankton communities from San Francisco Bay Delta respond differently to oxidized and reduced nitrogen substrates- even under conditions that would otherwise suggest nitrogen sufficiency. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2014.00017. PDF
Glibert P.M., R.C. Dugdale, F.P. Wilkerson, F, Alexander AE, Jeffrey A, Antell E, Blaser S, Johnson A, Lee J, Lee T, Murasko S, Strong S. 2014. Major – but rare – spring blooms in 2014 in San Francisco Bay Delta, California, a result of the long-term drought, increased residence time, and altered nutrient loads and forms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 460: 8–18. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.06.001. PDF
Buck, C., F. Wilkerson, A.E. Parker, R.C. Dugdale. 2013 The influence of coastal nutrients on phytoplankton productivity in a shallow low inlet estuary, Drakes Estero, California (USA). Estuaries and Coasts 37: 847-863. 10.1007/s12237-013-9737-6. PDF
Dugdale, R.C., F.P. Wilkerson, and A.E. Parker, 2013. A biogeochemical model of phytoplankton productivity in an urban estuary: the importance of ammonium and freshwater flow. Ecological Modeling. 263: 291-307. PDF
R Dugdale, F Wilkerson, AE Parker, A Marchi, K Taberski (2012). River flow and ammonium discharge determine spring phytoplankton blooms in an urbanized estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
AE Parker, VE Hogue, FP Wilkerson, RC Dugdale (2012). The effect of inorganic nitrogen speciation on primary production in the San Francisco Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 104, 91-101
AE Parker, RC Dugdale, FP Wilkerson (2012). Elevated ammonium concentrations from wastewater discharge depress primary productivity in the Sacramento River and the northern San Francisco Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64 (3), 574-586
AE Parker, FP Wilkerson, RC Dugdale, AM Marchi, VE Hogue, MR Landry, AG Taylor (2011). Spatial patterns of nitrogen uptake and phytoplankton in the equatorial upwelling zone (110W-140W) during 2004 and 2005. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58 (3), 417-433
Dugdale, R, F. Chai, R. Feely, C. Measures, A. Parker, F. Wilkerson (2010). The regulation of equatorial Pacific new production and pCO2 by silicate-limited diatoms, Deep-Sea Research II doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08.008 Vol 58: 477-492
Parker, A.E., Al M. Marchi, Jan Davidson-Drexel, Richard C. Dugdale, Frances P. Wilkerson. (2010). Effect of ammonium and wastewater effluent on riverine phytoplankton in the Sacramento River, CA. Technical Report for the California State Water Resources Board.
Parker, A.E., F. Wilkerson, R.C. Dugdale, A. Marchi, V. Hogue, M. Landry and A.G. Taylor. (2010). Spatial patterns of nitrogen uptake and phytoplankton in the equatorial upwelling zone (110ºW –140ºW) during 2004 and 2005. Deep Sea Research. II doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08. Vol 58: 417-433
Strutton, P.G., A. Palacz, R.C. Dugdale, F. Chai, A. Marchi, A. Parker, V. Hogue, F. Wilkerson. (2010). The impact of equatorial Pacific tropical instability waves on hydrography and nutrients: 2004-2005. Deep-Sea Research II doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.08.015. Vol 58: 284-295