Dr. Kristan has worked on a variety of topics in animal and plant ecology. His research mixes field ecology, landscape ecology, and theoretical population biology. Current student projects include studies of freeloading ravens and crows at the San Diego Wild Animal Park, characteristics of Mexican fan palm invasion of riparian areas of San Diego County, effects of water supplementation on bird and mammalian predator distributions in local shrublands, and perennial pepperweed invasion in the San Dieguito River Park. Additionally, he is involved in modeling invasion risk by cheatgrass and red brome in the Owyhee Uplands of Oregon. Mathematical and statistical projects include improving the predictive power of statistical habitat models, and modeling the effects of habitat-induced correlations in demographic population models. Most of Dr. Kristan's work is aimed at topics with applications in conservation biology.
Ph.D. Biology 2001: University of California, Riverside.
Biostatistics, Landscape Ecology, Vertebrate Ecology