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I am fascinated with how environmental variation in time and space (spatiotemporal heterogeneity) affect the diversity and functioning of communities. This variation is epitomized by seasonal environments, including the communities that I work in: vernal pools and rock pools. My research also encompasses food webs, metacommunities, latitudinal gradients, spatiotemporal linkages, eutrophication, species invasions, and disturbance ecology. Courses taught include General Ecology, Population and Community Ecology, Quantitative Methods in Biology, Introduction to Scientific Analysis, Seminar in Ecology, and Freshman Seminar.


My research primarily examines how processes at different spatial and temporal scales produce patterns of biodiversity and functioning in communities. I approach this within a metacommunity framework whereby local (e.g., competition and predation) and regional (e.g., dispersal) processes contribute to community dynamics. Recently, this research has expanded to examine spatial patterns of diversity along latitudinal gradients. In addition, I am interested in the movement of materials across the land-water interface in both time and space and its consequences on communities. Further, my research also links ecological principles with conservation, including eutrophication, species invasions, and climate change. This research is conducted in seasonal freshwater ecosystems, including California vernal pools and rock pools. Here is a sampling of the research currently being conducted in my lab:


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Kneitel, J. M., Samiylenko, N.**, Rosas-Saenz, L.**, Nerida, A.** Accepted. California vernal pool endemic responses to hydroperiod, plant thatch, and nutrients. Hydrobiologia. Kneitel, J. M. 2016. Climate-driven habitat size determines the latitudinal diversity gradient in temporary ponds. Ecology 97: 961-968​. Boix D., J. M. Kneitel, C. Duchet, B. J. Robson, L. Zúñiga, J. Day, S. Gascón, J. Sala, X. D. Quintana and L. Blaustein. 2016. Invertebrates of temporary ponds in Mediterranean climates. Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands. D. Batzer and D. Boix, editors. Springer Publishing. Graffis, A.* and J. M. Kneitel. 2015. A parasitic plant increases native and exotic plant richness in vernal pools. AoB Plants 7: plv100; doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv100. ​Anderson, I. J.* and J. M. Kneitel. 2015. Pseudacris regilla tadpole density differentially affects periphyton and macrophytes in a California vernal pool community. Aquatic Botany 125: 23-30. Kneitel, J. M. 2014. Inundation timing, more than duration, affects the community structure of California vernal pool mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 732: 71-83. Croel, R.* and J. M. Kneitel. 2013. Final response to the letter. Aquatic Botany 104: 238-239. Croel, R.* and J. M. Kneitel. 2013. Response to “Providing relevant context for fecal loading treatment rates applied to vernal pool mesocosms”. Aquatic Botany 104: 234-235. Kneitel, J. M. 2012. Are trade-offs among species' ecological interactions scale dependent? A test using pitcher-plant inquiline species. PLoS 7(7): e41809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041809 Yee, D. A., D. Allgood, J. M. Kneitel and K.A. Kuehn. 2012. Constitutive differences between natural and artificial container mosquito habitats: vector communities, resources, microorganisms, and habitat parameters. Journal of Medical Entomology 49: 482-491. Croel, R.** and J. M. Kneitel. 2011. Cattle waste reduces plant diversity in vernal pool mesocosms. Aquatic Botany 95: 140-145. Estrella, S.* and J. M. Kneitel. 2011. Invasion age and invader removal alter species composition at the Suisun Tidal Marsh, California, USA. Diversity 3: 235-251. Holyoak, M. and J. M. Kneitel. 2011. Metacommunities. Sourcebook of Theoretical Ecology, University of California Press, in press. Croel, R.** and J. M. Kneitel. 2011. Ecosystem-level effects of bioturbation by the tadpole shrimp Lepidurus packardi in temporary pond mesocosms. Hydrobiologia 665: 169-181. Kneitel, J. M. 2010. Successional Changes in Communities. Nature Education Knowledge 1: 36. Kneitel, J. M. and C. L. Lessin*. 2010. Ecosystem-phase interactions: aquatic eutrophication decreases terrestrial plant diversity in the California vernal pool ecosystem. Oecologia 163: 461-469. Yee, D. A., J. M. Kneitel, and S. A. Juliano. 2010. Environmental correlates of abundances of mosquito species and stages in discarded vehicle tires. Journal of Medical Entomology 47: 53-62. Reuman, D. C., C. Mulder, C. Banašek-Richter, M.-F. C. Blandenier, A. M. Breure, H. D. Hollander, J. M. Kneitel, D. Raffaelli, G. Woodward, and J. E. Cohen. 2009. Allometry of body size and abundance in 166 food webs. Advances in Ecological Research 41: 1-40. Kneitel, J. M. 2008. Gause's Principle of Competitive Exclusion. Encyclopedia of Ecology, Elsevier Publishing. Yee, D. A., S. H. Yee, J. M. Kneitel, and S. A. Juliano. 2007. Richness-productivity relationships between trophic levels in a detritus-based system: significance of abundance and trophic linkage. Oecologia 154: 377-385. Kneitel, J. M. 2007. Intermediate-consumer identity and resources alter a food web with omnivory. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 651-659. Miller, T. E., J. H. Burns, P. Munguia, E. L. Walters, J. M. Kneitel, P. M. Richards, N. Mouquet, and H. L. Buckley. 2007. Evaluating support for the resource-ratio hypothesis: a response to Wilson et al. American Naturalist 169: 707-708. Kneitel, J. M. and D. Perrault**. 2006. Disturbance-induced compositional changes increase species invasion success. Community Ecology 7: 245-252. Ostman, O., J. M. Kneitel, and J. M. Chase. 2006. Disturbance alters the effects of habitat isolation on biodiversity in aquatic microcosms. Oikos 114: 360-366. Mouquet, N., T. E. Miller, T. Daufresne, and J. M. Kneitel. 2006. Consequences of varying regional heterogeneity in source-sink metacommunities. Oikos 113: 481-488.
