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I am a plant community ecologist with expertise in biodiversity-functioning, human impacts on ecosystems, and plant-mycorrhizal dynamics. I maintain an active research program and support undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a variety of research questions, including restoration of native California grasslands, effects of soil compaction by cattle on oak establishment, and the role of earthen dams on an invasive species. I teach courses in ecology, natural history and research methods, as well as introductory biology courses. I am also engaged in advancing science education, and how we communicate understanding about our ever changing natural world to public and professional audiences. As director of the California Environmental Legacy Project (calegacy.org), I am developing new educational media to enhance public understanding of environmental change.


My research focuses on the ecology of plant communities. I am particularly interested in questions that explore biodiversity-functioning, human impacts on ecosystems, and plant-mycorrhizal dynamics. I maintain an active research program and support undergraduate and graduate students interested in pursuing these and other questions. Current research in my lab includes restoration of native California grasslands, effects of soil compaction by cattle on blue oak establishment, and the role of earthen dams on the invasive species Arundo donax. New research in my lab is focusing on the role of mycorrhizal fungal communities for plant host performance on serpentine soils. Prior work in my lab has centered on the factors that influence oak regeneration, changing fire regimes and plant community structure, and the role of heavy metals as plant anti-herbivore defenses.


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Baxter, J. W., J. Fraser, J. White, and N. Ardalan. Media message and tool preferences of environmental educators. Journal of Environmental Education. Submitted. Fraser, J., J. W. Baxter, J. White, R. Gupta, and V. Yocco. 2014. Conversion aversion: environmental learning and PBS viewer preferences. Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism 4: 225. doi:10.4172/2165-7912.1000225. Fonseca, C.*, E. Epseland, and J. W. Baxter. 2014. Patterns of population differentiation in germination and seedling growth in Elymus glaucus: implications for restoration practice. Ecological Restoration 34: 388-395. Baxter, J. W. and J. Dighton. 2005. Phosphorus source alters host plant response to ectomycorrhizal diversity. Mycorrhiza 15: 513-523. Baxter, J. W. and J. Dighton. 2005. Diversity-functioning relationships in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. In: The fungal community: its organization and role in the ecosystem. J. Dighton, P. Oudemans, and J. White, Editors. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. Baxter, J. W., S. T. A. Pickett, J. Dighton and M. M. Carreiro. 2002. Nitrogen and phosphorus availability in oak forest stands exposed to contrasting anthropogenic impacts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34: 623-633. Baxter, J. W. and J. Dighton. 2001. Ectomycorrhizal diversity alters the growth of gray birch (Betula populifoliaMarshall) seedlings in experimental host-symbiont culture conditions. New Phytologist 152: 139-149. Lovett, G. M., M. M. Traynor, R. V. Pouyat, M. M. Carreiro, W. Zhu and J. W. Baxter. 2000. Atmospheric deposition to oak forests along an urban-rural gradient. Environmental Science and Technology. 34: 4294-4300. Baxter, J. W., S. T. A. Pickett, M. M. Carreiro and J. Dighton. 1999. Ectomycorrhizal diversity and community structure in oak forest stands exposed to contrasting anthropogenic impacts. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 771-782. Baxter, J. W. and V. T. Parker. 1999. Canopy gaps and topography structure a northern coastal scrub community on California coastal bluffs. Madroño 46: 69-79. Breitberg, D. L., J. W. Baxter, C. Hatfield, R. W. Howarth, C. G. Jones, G. M. Lovett and C. Wigand. 1998. Understanding the effects of multiple stressors: ideas and challenges. In: M. L. Pace and P. M. Groffman (eds.). Successes, Limitations and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York, USA. Manuscripts in preparation Commander, C. and J. W. Baxter. The influence of earthen dams on the abundance and distribution of Arundo donax (giant reed) along riparian corridors in California. Target: Biological Invasions. White, J., J. W. Baxter, J. W., J. Fraser, R. Gupta, and N. Ardalan. California Residents’ Environmental Knowledge, Beliefs and Values. Target: Applied Environmental Education and Communication. Lindholm, P. E.* and J. W. Baxter. Age structure and recruitment of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) at Deer Creek Hills Preserve, Sacramento County, California. Target: Madroño. Baxter, J. W. and A. Griffiths*. Heavy metal accumulation in McDonald’s rock cress (Arabis macdonaldiana) defends against herbivory. Target: American Journal of Botany.
