Environmental Nanomaterials Science, Environmental Geochemistry, Mineralogy
Multiscale investigation of speciation of trace toxic metals on ultrafine particles in atmosphere
keyword : TEM, XANES, ultrafine particles
Mechanism of nanocrystallization of toxic metals and radionuclides by microbes.
keyword : microbioloty, radionuclides, nanocrystallization
Nanogeoscience. Migration and property of toxic metal nanoparticles on the Earth surfaces
keyword : Nanogeoscience, nanoparticle
A.P. Deditius, S.Utsunomiya, P. Sanchez-Alvaro, M. Reich, R. Ewing, S. Kesler,Constraints on Hf and Zr mobility in high-sulfidation epithermal systems: Formation of kosnarite, KZr2(PO4)3, in the Chaquicocha gold deposit, Yanacocha district,Mineralium Deposita,2015.03.
T.Ohnuki, F.Sakamoto, S.Yamasaki, H.Shiotsu, S.Utsunomiya, N.Watanabe, T.Kozaki, Effect of minerals on accumulation of Cs by fungus Saccaromyces cerevisiae. ,Journal of Environmental Radioactivity,2015.03.
A.P.Deditius, F.Skomurski, S.Utsunomiya, R.C.Ewing, Role of vein-phases in nanoscale sequestration of U, Nb, Ti, and Pb during the alteration of pyrochlore,Geochim. Cosmochim,Vol.150,2015.01.
S.Masaki, H.Shiotsu, F.Sakamoto, T.Ohnuki, S.Utsunomiya,Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on microbial metabolism,Chemical Geology,Vol.391,2015.01.
A.R. Parent, T. Nakazono, S. Lin, S.Utsunomiya, Ken Sakai,Mechanisms of water oxidation by non-heme iron catalysts when driven with sodium periodate. ,Dalton Transactions ,Vol.43,2014.06.
A. P. Deditius, M. Reich, S. E. Kesler, S.Utsunomiya, S. L. Chryssoulis, J. Walshe, R. C. Ewing,The coupled geochemistry of Au and As in pyrite from hydrothermal ore deposits,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,Vol.140,2014.05.
M.Jiang, Y.Nakamatsu, K.A. Jensen, S.Utsunomiya,Multi-scale analysis of the occurrence of Pb, Cr and Mn in the NIST standards: Urban dust (SRM1649a) and indoor dust (SRM2584),Atmospheric Environment ,Vol.82,2014.04.
E. Kamiishi and S. Utsunomiya, Nano-scale reaction processes at the interface between apatite and aqueous lead,Chemical Geology,Vol.340,pp.121-130,2013.02.
M. Jiang, T. Ohnuki, S. Yamazaki, K. Tanaka & S. Utsunomiya,Adsorption of ytterbium onto Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungal cells – A pH-dependent contribution of phosphoryl functional group,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,Vol.295,2013.12.
C. L. Ciobanu, N. J. Cook, S. Utsunomiya, M. Kogagwa, L. Green, S. Gilbert & B. Wade,Gold-telluride nanoparticles revealed in arsenic-free pyrite,American Mineralogist,Vol.97,pp.1515-1518,2012.12.
M. Jiang, T. Ohnuki, N. Kozai, K. Tanaka, Y. Suzuki, F. Sakamoto, E. Kamiishi, S. Utsunomiya, ,Biological nano-mineralization of Ce phosphate by Saccharomyces cerevisiae,Chemical Geology ,pp.277 (2010) 61-69,2010.06.
M. Roursgaard, S.S. Poulsen, L.K. Poulsen, M. Hammer, K.A. Jensen, S. Utsunomiya, R.C. Ewing, T.B- Zunic, G.D. Nielsen & S.T. Larsen,Time-response relationaship of nano and micro particle induced lung inflammation. Quartz as reference compound.,Human and Experimental Toxicology,Vol.29,pp.(2010) 915-933,2010.06.
A. P. Deditius, S. Utsunomiya, V. Pointeau, & R. C. Ewing,Precipitation and alteration of coffinite (USiO4 n H2O) in the presence of apatite,European Journal of Mineralogy,22 (2010) 75-88,2010.04.