2008.09—2012.06,东北大学,材料科学与工程,学士学位 2012.09—2014.07,东北大学与中国科学院金属研究所“本硕博”贯通英才实验班,材料学,硕士学位 2014.09—2018.01,东北大学与中国科学院金属研究所“本硕博”贯通英才实验班,材料学,博士学位 2018.07—至今,西南石油大学, 讲师
(1) Lijin Dong, Enhou Han, Qunjia Peng, Wei Ke, Lei Wang, Environmentally assisted crack growth in 308L stainless steel weld metal in simulated primary water, Corrosion Science 117 (2017) 1–10. (2)Lijin Dong, Qunjia Peng, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Lei Wang, Stress corrosion cracking in the heat affected zone of a stainless steel 308L-316L weld joint in primary water, Corrosion Science 107 (2016) 172–181. (3)Lijin Dong, Qunjia Peng, He Xue, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Lei Wang, Correlation of microstructure and stress corrosion cracking initiation behaviour of the fusion boundary region in a SA508 Cl. 3 -Alloy 52M dissimilar weld joint in primary pressurized water reactor environment, Corrosion Science 132 (2018) 9–20. (4)Lijin Dong, Qunjia Peng, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Lei Wang, Microstructure and intergranular stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of a SA508-52M-316L dissimilar metal weld joint in primary water, Journal of Materials Science undefinedamp; Technology 34 (2018) 1281–1292. (5)Lijin Dong, Qunjia Peng, Zhiming Zhang, Testuo Shoji, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Lei Wang, Effect of Dissolved Hydrogen on Corrosion of 316NG Stainless Steel in High Temperature Water, Nuclear Engineering and Design 295 (2015) 403-414.