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1、四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选,西南石油大学优秀人才,油气藏地质及开发国家重点实验室固定研究人员,油气田高分子材料及应用科研创新团队负责人,国际期刊论文评审专家。 2、近年来主持国家自然科学基金、博士后基金、国家重点实验室基金、四川省及油田技术开发(服务)科研项目20余项,主研各级科研课题10余项,其中在研项目4项。 3、发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI/EI收录20余篇次,授予国家发明专利6项,专著1部,获省部级奖1项。


1、高性能低聚表面活性剂合成及应用 2、纳米插层复合材料和聚合物纳米微球制备技术 3、水溶性聚合物和热可逆凝胶制备技术 4、油气田开采用化学品制备及相关理论


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)Ming Zhou, Jinzhou Zhao*, Xingqi Hu, Synthesis of bis [N,N'-(alkylamideethyl)ethyl] triethylenediamine bromide and their oilfield application investigation, Journal of Detergents and Surfactants, Vol. 15, Issue 3, P309-315, 2012 (2)Ming Zhou, Xiang Zhong, Jinzhou Zhao*, Xu Wang, Synthesis and Surface active properties of 1, 1, 1, 1-Tetra-(2-oxypropyl Sulfonate- 3-alkylether-propoxy) neopentanes, Journal of Detergents and Surfactants, Vol. 16, Issue 3, P311-317, 2013, (3)Ming Zhou, Jinzhou Zhao*, Xu Wang, Synthesis and characterization of novel surfactants 1, 2, 3-tri (2-oxypropylsulfonate- 3-alkylether- propoxy) Propanes", Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, Journal of Detergents and Surfactants, Vol.16, Issue 4, 2013 (4)Ming Zhou, Jinzhou Zhao*, Xu Wang, Research on surfactant flooding in high-temperature and high-salinity reservoir for Enhanced oil recovery, Tenside Surfactants Detergents, Volume 50, Issue 3, P1-7, 2013, (5)Ming Zhou, Jinzhou Zhao*, Xu Wang, Yan Yang. Synthesis and characterization of salt-resistance surperabsorbent microspheres by inverse suspension polymerization E-Polymers, P1-9, 2012 (6)Ming Zhou, Jinzhou Zhao, Lizhi Zhou. Utilization of starch and montmorrilonite for the preparation of superabsorbent nanocomposite Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 121, Issue 6, P2406-2412, 2011 (7)Ming Zhou, Shuangqiao Yang*, Dong Jia. Optimization of Preparing Poly(AM- DMDAAC)/MMT Superabsorbent Nanocomposite by Orthogonal Experiment. Polymer(Korea) , Vol. 38, Issue 1, P16-23, 2014 (8)Ming Zhou, Xia Liangliang, He Yinglan, Zhang Ling, Qiao Xin, Zhong Xiang. Synthesis of New Salt-Resistant Sulfonate Gemini Surfactants with Hydroxyl Groups. J Surfact Deterg. 2015,18(3): 303–308 (9)Ming Zhou, Luo Gang, Wang Xingwen, Zhang Ze, Wang Gang. Synthesis and Surface Active Properties of tri[(N-alkyl-N-ethyl-N-Sodium carboxymethyl)-2-Ammonium bromide ethylene]Amines. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents. J Surfact Deterg.2015,18(5): 837–844 (10)Ming Zhou, Wang Chengwen, Xing Tingting; Li Sisi; Zhang Ze, Luo Gang. Studies on Foam Flooding for Saline Reservoirs after Polymer Flooding. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2015, 135(6): 410-420 (11)Jinzhou Zhao, Ming Zhou*, Xu Wang, Yan Yang. Synthesis and Surface Active Properties of Dimeric Gemini Sulfonate Surfactants, Tenside Surfactants Detergents, Volume 51, Issue 1, P26-31, 2014
