付甲,男,博士,西安石油大学“助推计划”七级岗,中国机械工程学会会员,湖南省热处理协会理事。2012年UT/INSA-CSC项目公派出国,2016年法国国立应用科学院毕业获法国工学博士学位;后于南方科技大学材料系,深圳格拉布斯研究院访学一年。2018年喀山联邦大学短期培训一月。从事材料纳观尺度力学性能、材料成形轻量化等方面教研工作。已在Composite part B: Engineering等期刊发表论文50余篇,SCI/EI/ISTP检索36篇,Researchgate(RG)因子18.66, RG引用118次, Google引用120余次;主编英文专著1部,参编2部,在审国家发明专利3项。主持国家自然基金青年项目1项,陕西省科技厅项目1项。参与国家自然基金项目3项、山西省科技攻关项目1项、法国CPER-FEDER重点项目1项、欧盟COST Project项目1项、企业合作项目3项、深圳市科创委基础研究项目1项、陕西省教育厅项目1项。受邀作国际会议口头报告9次。博士期间获CSC公派留学奖学金;硕士期间获山西省教育厅优秀论文奖;目前担任《精密成形工程》期刊通讯编辑,兼RSC Advance等国际期刊审稿人。
Comparison of mechanical properties of C-S-H and Portlandite between nano-indentation experiments and a modelling approach using various simulation techniques.Composite part B: Engineering. 2018: 151
Assessment of the elastic properties of amorphous Calcium Silicates Hydrates I and II structures by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.Molecular Simulation. 2018: 44
Multiscale modeling approach to determine the specific heat of cementitious materials.European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2018: 8
Dynamic mechanical behaviors of calcium silicate hydrate under shock compression loading using molecular dynamics simulation.Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2018: 499
First-principles calculations of typical anisotropic cubic and hexagonal structures and homogenized moduli estimation based on the Y- parameter..Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2017: 101
Temperature effects on tensile and compressive mechanical behaviors of C-S-H structure via atomic simulation.Journal of nanometerials. 2017: 8476258
Multiscale Modeling and Mechanical Properties of Zigzag CNT and Triple-Layer Graphene Sheet Based on Atomic Finite Element Method.Journal of Nano Research. 2015: 33
Research on Design and Improvement of the Investment Casting Process for the Ring-shaped Magnesium Alloy Based on Procast Software.IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018: 042006
Characterization and the improved Arrhenius model of 0Cr11Ni2MoVNb steel during hot deformation process.IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018: 022027
Electronic and elastic properties of CaMg2 alloy phase under various pressures by Density Functional Theory.MATEC Web of Conferences-2016CBNCM. 2017: 03003
Elastic constants and homogenized moduli of gypsum structure based on Density Functional Theory.Advances in Engineering Research. 2017: 120
Establishment of hot processing map and work hardening mechanism of 0Cr11Ni2MoVNb stainless steel during hot compression process.IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018: 022029
Micro-indentation hardness model of AISI1045 steel during micro-plasticity indentation experiment considering size effects.IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018: 022028
Microstructure simulation and mechanical properties of AISI1050 disk during quenching process.The 2016 International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology. 2016: 16
The Effect of Mixing Sequence on the Block Copolymer Compatibilization of Polybutadiene-Natural Rubber Blend.The 2016 International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology. 2016: 16
Mechanical properties of C-C nanostructures by the developed Finite Element Method.Materials Review. 2016: 30
First-principles calculations of CaMg2 Alloy Phase to predict its Electronic and Elastic Properties.International Journal of Advanced Materials and Production. 2016: 1
Approche de modélisation multi-échelle pour la détermination de la chaleur spécifique des matériaux cimentaires.35èmes Rencontres de l’AUGC. 2017: 3
Nanoscale Modeling And Simulation Of The Monolithic “Globule” C-S-H Structure And Elastic Modulus Assessment of LD and HD C-S-H Hydrated Phases In Cementitious Materials.The 24nd Annual International Conference on Composites and Nano Engineering. 2016: 6
Nanoscale modeling and elastic properties of Portlandite and Graphene based on Atomic Finite Element Method.Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2015: 711