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B.Sc. (1989): University of Milan, Italy Ph.D. (1995) : University of Milan, Italy Postdoctoral Research Associate (1995-2000) : Texas A&M University Biochemistry


The research interest of my group is in the general area of the mechanistic enzymology of redox enzymes, with a specific interest in flavin-dependent enzymes. The long-term objectives are to understand how enzymes can influence the energetics of reaction intermediates and transition states. These aspects are being studied by steady state kinetics and rapid reaction techniques using pH, viscosity and kinetic isotope effects, as well as mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography.

Several enzymes are currently being investigated. These include: • Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nitronate monooxygenase • Cyberlindnera saturnus nitronate monooxygenase • Neurospora crassa nitronate monooxygenase • Homo sapiens glycolate oxidase • Pseudomonas aeruginosa D-arginine dehydrogenase • Arthrobacter globiformis choline oxidase • Aspergillus fumigatus choline oxidase • Trametes ochracea pyranose 2-oxidase • Halomonas elongata choline dehydrogenase • Escherichia coli choline dehydrogenase • Homo sapiens choline dehydrogenase


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Quaye, O., Nguyen, T., Gannavaram, S., Pennati, A., and Gadda, G. (2010) Rescuing of the hydride transfer reaction in the Glu312Asp variant of choline oxidase by a substrate analogue, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 499, 1-5. Finnegan, S., Yuan, H., Wang, Y.F., Orville, A.M., Weber, I., and Gadda, G. (2010) Structural and Kinetic Studies on the Ser101Ala Variant of Choline Oxidase: Catalysis by Compromise, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 510, 207-213. u, G., Yuan, H., Li, C., Lu, C., Gadda, G., and Weber, I. (2010) Conformational Changes and Substrate Recognition in Pseudomonas aeruginosa D-Arginine Dehydrogenase, Biochemistry, 49, 8538-8545. Yuan, H., Fu, G., Brooks, P., Weber, I., and Gadda, G. (2010) Steady State Kinetic Mechanism and Reductive Half-Reaction of D-Arginine Dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Biochemistry, 49, 9542-9550. Pennati, A., and Gadda, G. (2011) Stabilization of an Intermediate in the Oxidative Half Reaction of Human Liver Glycolate Oxidase, Biochemistry, 50, 1-3. Yuan, H., and Gadda, G. (2011) Importance of a Serine Proximal to the C(4a)-N(5)Flavin Atoms for Hydride Transfer in Choline Oxidase, Biochemistry, 50, 770-779. Fu, G., Yuan, H., Wang, S., Gadda, G., and Weber, I. (2011) Atomic Resolution Structure of an N(5) Flavin Adduct in D-Arginine Dehydrogenase, Biochemistry, 50, 6292-6294. Tang, S., Wong, H.C., Wang, Z.M., Hyuang, Y., Zou, J., Zhuo, Y., Pennati, A., Gadda, G., Delbono, O., and Yang, J.J. (2011) Design and Application of a Class of Sensors to Monitor Ca2+ Dynamics in High Ca2+ Concentration Cellular Compartments, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 108, 16265-70. Yuan, H., Xin, Y., Hamelberg, D., and Gadda, G. (2011) Insights on the Mechanism of Amine Oxidation Catalyzed by D-Arginine Dehydrogenase Through pH and Kinetic Isotope Effects, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 18957-18965. Francis, K., Nishino, S.F., Spain, J.C., and Gadda, G. (2012) A Novel Activity for Fungal Nitronate Monooxygenase: Detoxification of the Metabolic Inhibitor Propionate- 3-Nitronate, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 521, 84-89. Gadda, G. (2012) Oxygen Activation in Flavoprotein Oxidases: the Importance of Being Positive, Biochemistry, 51, 2662-2669. Gannavaram, S., and Gadda, G. (2013) Relative Timing of Hydrogen and Proton Transfers in the Reaction of Flavin Oxidation Catalyzed by Choline Oxidase, Biochemistry 52, 1221-1226. Smitherman, C., and Gadda, G. (2013) Evidence for a Transient Peroxynitro Acid in the Reaction Catalyzed by Nitronate Monooxygenase with Propionate 3-Nitronate, Biochemistry 52, 2694-2704. Lambou, K., Pennati, A., Valsecchi, I., Tada, R., Sherman, S., Sato, H., Beau, R., Gadda, G., and Latgé, J.P. (2013) Pathway of Glycine Betaine Biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus, Eukaryot. Cell 12, 853-863. Gadda, G., and Fitzpatrick, P.F. (2013) Solvent Isotope and Viscosity Effects on Steady- State Kinetics of the Flavoprotein Nitroalkane Oxidase, FEBS Lett. 587, 2785-2789. Francis, K., Smitherman, C., Nishino, S.F., Spain, J.C.,, and Gadda, G. (2013) The Biochemistry of the Metabolic Poison Propionate 3-Nitronate and its Conjugate Acid, 3- Nitropropionate, IUBMB Life 65, 759-768. Salvi, F., and Gadda, G. (2013) Human Choline Dehydrogenase: Medical Promises and Biochemical Challenges, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 537, 243-252. Ouattara, M., Pennati, A., Delvin, D.J., Huang, Y.S., Gadda, G., and Eichenbaum, Z., (2013) Kinetics of Heme Transfer by the Shr NEAT Domains of Group A Streptococcus, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 538, 71-79. Anton, B.P., Chang, Y.C., Brown, P., Choi, H.P., Faller, L.L., Guleria, J., Hu, Z., Klitgord, N., Levy-Moonshine, A., Maksad, A., Mazumdar, V., McGettrick, M., Osmani, L., Pokrzywa, R., Rachlin, J., Swaminathan, R., Allen, B., Housman, G., Monahan, C., Rochussen, K., Tao, K., Bhagwat, A.S., Brenner, S.E., Columbus, L., de Crécy-Lagard, V., Ferguson, D., Fomenkov, A., Gadda, G., Morgan, R.D., Osterman, A.L., Rodionov, D.A., Rodionova, I.A., Rudd, K.E., Söll, D., Spain, J., Xu, S.Y., Bateman, A., Blumenthal, R.M., Bollinger, J.M., Chang, W.S., Ferrer, M., Friedberg, I., Galperin, M.Y., Gobeill, J., Haft, D., Hunt, J., Karp, P., Klimke, W., Krebs, C., Macelis, D., Madupu, R., Martin, M.J., Miller, J.H., O’Donovan, C., Palsson, B., Ruch, P., Setterdahl, A., Sutton, G., Tate, J., Yakunin, A., Tchigvintsev, D., Plata, G., Hu, J., Greiner, R., Horn, D., Sjölander, K., Salzberg, S.L., Vitkup, D., Letovsky, S., Segrè, D., DeLisi, C., Roberts, R.J., Steffen, M., Kasif, S. (2013) The COMBREX Project: Design, Methodology, and Initial Results, PLosS Biol. 11, e1001638. Salvi, F., Wang, Y.-F., Weber, I.T., and Gadda, G. (2014) Crystal Structure of Choline Oxidase in Complex with the Reaction Product Glycine Betaine, Acta Cryst. D 70, 405- 413.
