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PhD, University of Windsor MS, State University of New York at Brockport BS, State University of New York at Brockport


Molecular ecology, hybridization and speciation, phylogeography, dispersal and population connectivity


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Alda F, Gagne RB, Walter RP, Hogan JD, Moody K, Zink F, McIntyre PB, Gilliam JF, Blum MJ (2016) Colonization and demographic expansion of amphidromous stream fauna across the Hawaiian Archipelago. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12929 Roy D, Lucek K, Walter RP, Seehausen O (2015) Hybrid ‘superswarm’ leads to rapid divergence and establishment of populations during a biological invasion. Molecular Ecology 24:5394-5411. Carreon-Martinez LB, Walter RP, Johnson TB, Ludsin SA, Heath DD (2015) Benefits of turbid river plume habitat for Lake Erie yellow perch (Perca flavescens) recruitment determined by juvenile to larval genotype assignment. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0125234. Glass WR, Walter RP, Heath DD, Mandrak NE, Corkum LD (2015) Genetic structure and diversity of Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) at its northern range edge: Implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics 16:889-899. Ginson R, Walter RP, Mandrak NE, Beneteau CL, Heath DD (2015) Hierarchical analysis of genetic structure in the habitat-specialist Eastern Sand Darter (Ammocrypta pellucida). Ecology and Evolution 5:695-708. Hussey NE, Cosandey-Godin A, Walter RP, Hedges KJ, VanGerwen-Toyne M, Barkley AN, Kessel ST, Fisk AT (2015) Juvenile Greenland sharks Somniosus microcephalus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Biology 38:493-504. Walter RP, Gnyra ES, S?derberg LI, Heath DD (2014) Rapid genetic identification of brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), black bullhead (Ameiurus melas) and their hybrids. Conservation Genetics Resources 6:507-509. Walter RP, Kessel ST, Alhasan N, Fisk AT, Heath DD, Chekchak T, Klaus R, Younis M, Hill G, Jones B, Braun CD, Berumen ML, DiBattista JD, Priest MA, Hussey NE (2014) First record of living Manta alfredi × Manta birostris hybrid. Marine Biodiversity 44:1-2. Smit J, Heath DD, Walter RP (2014) A molecular genetic lab to generate inclusive and exclusive forensic evidence: two suspects, a victim and a bloodstained t-shirt. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 42:230-236. Walter RP, Cena CJ, Morgan GE, Heath DD (2012) Historical and anthropogenic factors affecting the population genetic structure of Ontario's inland lake populations of walleye (Sander vitreus). Journal of Heredity 103:831-841. Herder F, Schliewen UK, Geiger MF, Hadiaty RK, Gray SM, McKinnon JS, Walter RP, Pfaender J (2012) Alien invasion in Wallace's Dreampond: records of the hybridogenic "flowerhorn" cichlid in Lake Matano, with an annotated checklist of fish species introduced to the Malili Lakes system in Sulawesi. Aquatic Invasions 7:521-535. Walter RP, Hogan JD, Blum MJ, Gagne RB, Hain EF, Gilliam JF, McIntyre PB (2012) Climate change and conservation of endemic amphidromous fishes in Hawaiian streams. Endangered Species Research 16:261-272. Lindstrom DP, Blum MJ, Walter RP, Gagne RB, Gilliam JF (2012) Molecular and morphological evidence of distinct evolutionary lineages of Awaous guamensis in Hawai'i and Guam. Copeia 2012:294-301. Beneteau CL, Walter RP, Mandrak NE, Heath DD (2012) Range expansion by invasion: genetic characterization of invasion of the Greenside Darter (Etheostoma blennioides) at the northern edge of its distribution. Biological Invasions 14:191-121. Walter RP, Hogan JD, Haffner GD, Heath DD (2011) Genetic structure and connectivity among lake populations of threatened Paratherina sailfin silversides from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Conservation Genetics 12:1387-1393. Walter RP, Blum MJ, Snider SB, Paterson IG, Benzten P, Lamphere BA, Gilliam JF (2011) Isolation and differentiation of Rivulus hartii across Trinidad and neighboring islands. Molecular Ecology 20:608-618. Hogan JD, Blum MJ, Walter RP (2011) Characterization of ten novel microsatellite markers in Awaous guamensis with comments on cross amplification in congeners and other amphidromous fish native to Hawai’i. Conservation Genetics Resources 3:275-277. Salas E, Molina H, Walter RP, Heath DD (2010) Local and regional genetic connectivity in a Caribbean coral reef fish. Marine Biology 157:437–445
