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2007年至2010年:中山大学 化学与化学工程学院,博士 2002年至2005年:福建师范大学 材料科学与工程学院,硕士 1998年至2002年:郑州大学 材料科学与工程学院,学士 工作经历 2005年至2007年:黄山学院,助教 2011年至今:西安工业大学,讲师




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Wenzhi Zhang, Wenxing Ju, Xinming Wu, Yan Wang, Qiguan Wang, Hongwei Zhou, Sumin Wang, Chenglong Hu, Structure, stability and electrochromic properties of polyaniline film covalently bonded to indium tin oxide substrate, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 367: 542-551 (2) Wenzhi Zhang, Xudong Chen, Wei-ang Luo, Jin Yang, Mingqiu Zhang, Fangming Zhu, Study of phase separation of poly(vinyl methyl ether) aqueous solutions with Rayleigh scattering technique, Macromolecules, 2009, 42(5): 1720-1725 (3) Wenzhi Zhang, Xudong Chen, Jin Yang, Wei-ang Luo, Mingqiu Zhang, Quantitative description of aggregation and dissociation of polystyrene chains in cyclohexane solutions by resonance light scattering technique, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114(3): 1301-1306 (4) Wenzhi Zhang, Xudong Chen, Mingqiu Zhang, Quantitative description of aggregation and dissociation of poly (vinyl methyl ether)/poly (2-ethyl-2- oxazoline) chains in water by novel elastic light scattering spectroscopy, Polymer Bulletin, 2014, 71(1): 243-260 (5) Wenzhi Zhang, Xudong Chen, Jin Yang, Mingqiu Zhang, Competitive mechanism of poly (ethylene glycol) with poly (vinyl methyl ether) in complexing water molecules revealed with elastic light scattering spectroscopy, Polymer Bulletin, 2012, 68(2): 425-440 (6) Wenzhi Zhang, Yangjing Lin, Jianlong Zheng, Hongshu Chen, Weixing Chen, Xinli Jing. Study of hybrid photovoltaic materials with poly (3-hexylthiophene) and CdS nanoparticles by spectroscopic techniques, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 704: 212-219 (7) Wenzhi Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Jianlong Zheng, Hongshu Chen, Weixing Chen, Xinli Jing. Interaction mechanism between bovine serum albumin and polyethylene glycol revealed with elastic light scattering spectroscopy, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 704: 43-50 (8) Ling Zhang, Jing Su, Wenzhi Zhang, Ming Ding, Xudong Chen, Qing Wu, Temperature-sensitive phase transition of dendritic polyethylene amphiphiles with core-shell architecture revealed by a Rayleigh scattering technique, Langmuir, 2010, 26(8): 5801-5807 (9) Juying Zhou, Jin Yang, Xudong Chen, Wei-ang Luo, Wenzhi Zhang, Kun Yang, Bin Zhang, Phase transformation of tetraethyleneglycol dodecyl ether solution studied by light scattering spectra: Micelle aggregation, vesicle and lamellar phase, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2011, 987(1-3): 91-100
