1995年毕业于武汉科技大学,获无机非金属材料硕士学位,留校任教; 2003年获材料学博士学位,教授。现任耐火材料青年委员会委员,湖北省青年科协理事,省青年联合会委员和青山区科协委员。
1.Li Yuanbing,Li Nan et al, Effects of Technical factors on MgAl2O4-TiN composites produced by aluminothermic reduction and nitridation, Materials & Design, 2007, 28(3): 969-972 2.李远兵,李楠等, 烧结气氛对合成MgAl2O4-Ti(C,N)复合陶瓷的影响,耐火材料,2006,40(1):16-19 3.Yuanbing Li, Li Nan, Guozhi Ruan and Xiaohui Li, Reaction path in the aluminothermic reduction nitridation reaction to synthesize MgAl2O4-TiN composite, Ceramics International, 2005,31(6):825-829. 4.Li Yuanbing, Li Nan and Ruan Guozhi, Synthesis of Al2O3-TiB2 Ceramic Composites, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 2005, 84(1): 9201-9204 5.Li Yuanbing, Li Nan,Production of MgAl2O4-Ti(C,N) composite ceramics by aluminothermic reduction in reducing atmosphere, Materials Science and Technology. 2004,20(11): 1496-1498 6.Li Yuanbing, Li Nan, Guozhi Ruan ,A novel MgAl2O4/TiB2 composite produced by aluminothermic reduction, Interceram., 2004, 53(5): 328-329 7.Li Yuanbing, Guozhi Ruan , Li Nan, New method of producing TiB2 based composite, Materials Science and Technology, 2003, 19(2): 264-2658. 8.Li Yuanbing, Li Nan , Production of MgAl2O4/TiN composite by aluminothermicreduction and nitridation., Materials Science and Technology. 2003,19(7): 991-993