中国硅酸盐学会耐火材料分会副理事长,湖北省硅酸盐学会耐火材料分会会长,全国耐火材料标准化委员会委员,全国耐火材料继续教育委员会主任,中国耐火材料行业协会常务理事,国际耐火材料研究与教育联盟(FIRE)成员、《耐火材料》、China's Refractories(英文版)、Refractories Worldforum编委。获宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖,被授予湖北省普通高校跨世纪学术骨干,武汉市新长征突击手称号,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技攻关、教育部、省市级项目和武钢、攀钢等40余项课题,获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省技术发明奖一等奖1项,省自然科学二等奖1项,省科技进步三等奖1项,授权国家发明专利8项,在国内外学术刊物上发表研究论文100余篇,其中被SCI、EI、ISTP收录50余篇。
1.Yawei, Li, Shaobai Sang, Shengli Jin, et al, Synthesis of Mg-α-sialon from the mixture of silicon, aluminum and magnesia powders in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere, Journal of Materials Science, 41(2006)5815-5819 (SCI、EI收录)
2.Y. W. Li G.H. Zhou, S.L. Jin , N. Li, Formation mechanism of 21R AlN-polytypoid in aluminothermic reduction and nitridation process, Journal of Materials Science, 41(2006)4795-4798(SCI、EI收录)
3.The flexibility of burned Al2O3-C due to bending tests at room temperature, Cfi/Ber. DKG, 84(2007), 9. (SCI、EI收录)
4.Shengli Jin, Yawei Li, et al Modified directed melt nitridation of pure aluminum block using magnesium as an external dopant, Journal of Materials Science, (2007)42: 7311-7315 (SCI、EI收录)
5.C.G. Aneziris, Yawei Li, et al, Functional refractory material design for advanced thermal shock performance due to titania additions,International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2007,4(6) 481-489(SCI、EI收录)
6.Shengli Jin, Yawei Li, et al, Microstructure and phase composition of AlN/Al composite fabricated by directed melt nitridation, Key Engineering Materials, Vol.368-372: 977-979, 2008 (SCI收录)
7.李亚伟, 定向金属氮化法制备MgO/AlN复相材料, 武汉科技大学学报, 31(3): 229-232, 2008
8.金胜利, 李亚伟等, 定向金属氮化纯铝熔体表面Mg蒸气传质行为, 稀有金属材料与工程, 37(1):58-61, 2008 (SCI收录)
9.金胜利, 李亚伟等,铝熔体定向氮化过程中气液固传输机理探讨, 稀有金属材料与工程,37(s):228-231, 2008 (SCI收录)
10.李亚伟, 陈希来等, 焙烧炭砖孔结构和热导率与硅粉加入量的关系, 耐火材料, 6(42) (2008) 401-404(EI收录)
11.Yawei Li, Shengli Jin, et al, Behavior of magnesium and silicon in the formation of MgO/AlN composite, Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44: 4155-4161 (SCI收录)