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(1) Q. M. Fu, W. Cao, G. W. Li, Z. D. Lin, Z. Chen, C. B. Xu, Y. F. Tu*, and Z. B. Ma*, Blue/green electroluminescence from a ZnO nanorods/p-GaN heterojunction light emitting diode under different reverse bias, Applied Surface Science 293, 225-228 (2014). (2) Q. M. Fu*, J. P. Wu, Z. B. Ma, Y. B. Han, and Y. F. Tu, Correlation between ZnO nanorod growth and the dislocations in AlN-based substrates, Applied Surface Science 268, 209-212 (2013). (3) Y. F. Tu*, Q. M. Fu, X. J. Niu, J. P. Sang*, Z. J. Tan, G. Zheng, and X. W. Zou, Fabrication and photocatalytic property of ZnO/SrTiO3 core/shell nanorod arrays, Crystal Research and Technology 48, 138-144 (2013). (4) Y. F. Tu, Q. M. Fu, X. J. Niu, J. P. Sang*, Z. J. Tan, and X. W. Zou, Facile synthesis of SnO2 nanotube arrays by using ZnO nanorod arrays as sacrificial templates, Journal of Materials Science and Technology 29, 1053-1058 (2013). (5) Y. F. Tu, Q. M. Fu, J. P. Sang*, Z. J. Tan, and X. W. Zou, Effects of annealing temperature on the properties of ZnO/SnO2 core/shell nanorod arrays, Materials Letters 86, 80-83 (2012).
