Ph. D. (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), 1985
M. Sc. (Université Laval), 1981
B. Sc. (Université de Montréal), 1979
Gagnon Lupien, N., Gauthier, G., Lavoie, C., 2015. Effect of the invasive common reed on the abundance, richness and diversity of birds in freshwater marshes. Animal Conservation, 18(1): 32-43. DOI: 10.1111/acv.12135.
Therrien, J.-F., Gauthier, G., Robillard, A., Lecomte, N., Bêty, J., 2015. Écologie de la reproduction du harfang des neiges dans l'Arctique canadien. Le Naturaliste Canadien, 139(1): 17-23. DOI: 10.7202/1027666ar.
Bêty, J., Graham-Sauvé, M., Legagneux, P., Cadieux, M.-C., Gauthier, G., 2014. Fading indirect effects in a warming arctic tundra. Current Zoology, 60(2): 189-202.
Bilodeau, F., Gauthier, G., Fauteux, D., Berteaux, D., 2014. Does lemming winter grazing impact vegetation in the Canadian Arctic? Polar Biology, 37(6): 845-857. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-014-1486-x.
Doiron, M., Gauthier, G., Lévesque, E., 2014. Effects of experimental warming on nitrogen concentration and biomass of forage plants for an arctic herbivore. Journal of Ecology, 102(2): 508-517. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12213.