M. Sc. Biologie, Université Laval (1999)
Ph. D. Biologie, Université Laval (2002)
Postdoctorat, University of Oxford
Marrot P., D. Garant and A. Charmantier. Spatial autocorrelation in fitness affects the estimation of natural selection in the wild. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 6 (12):1474-1483.
Bourret A., F. Pelletier, M. Bélisle and D. Garant. 2015. Multidimensional environmental influences on timing of breeding in a tree swallow population facing climate change. Evolutionary Applications. 8 (10): 933-944.
Millet A., F. Pelletier, M. Bélisle and D. Garant. 2015. Patterns of fluctuating selection on morphological and reproductive traits in female Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). Evolutionary Biology. 42 (3): 349-358.
Couchoux C., M. Aubert, D.Garant and D. Réale. 2015. Spying on small wildlife sounds using affordable collar-mounted miniature microphones: an innovative method to record individual daylong vocalisations in chipmunks. Scientific Reports. 5, 10118; doi:10.1038/srep10118.