Ph. D. Pédologie forestière, McGill (1996)
Postdoctorat, UBC (1996-1998)
Chagnon P-L, Bradley RL, Maherali H, Klironomos JN (2013). A C-S-R framework for studying life history of mycorrhizal fungi. Trends in Plant Science, 18: 484-491.
Pelletier-Bergeron S, Bradley RL, Munson A, Parsons W (2013) Physico-chemical and functional characteristics of soil charcoal produced at five different temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 58: 140-146.
Chagnon P-L, Bradley RL, Klironomos JN (2012). Using ecological network theory to evaluate the causes and consequences of arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure. New Phytologist, 194: 307-312.