M.Sc. Radiobiologie, Sherbrooke (1995)
Ph.D. Chimie, Yale (1999)
Postdoctorat, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2001)
Guillaume Marcotte, Patrick Ayotte, Azzedine Bendounan, Fausto Sirotti, Carine Laffon, and Philippe Parent,"Dissociative Adsorption of Nitric Acid at the Surface of Amorphous Solid Water Revealed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4, 2643–2648 (2013).
2-Pierre-Alexandre Turgeon, Patrick Ayotte, Elina Lisitsin, Yossi Meir, Tatyana Kravchuk, Gil Alexandrowicz, "Preparation, isolation, storage, and spectroscopic characterization of water vapor enriched in the ortho-H2O nuclear spin isomer" Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86, 062710 (2012).
3-Patrick Marchand, Guillaume Marcotte, Patrick Ayotte, "Spectroscopic study of HNO3 dissociation on ice" Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116, 12112-12122 (2012).