The research program is subdivided into both fundamental and applied fields and is mainly concerned with: (1) heterogeneity of lake planktonic communities over different spatial scales and its generative abiotic and biotic processes, (2) metal bioaccumulation and transfer in aquatic food chains, (3) impact of acid deposition on lake planktonic ecosystem, (4) development of biotic indices of environmental quality, (5) impacts of reservoir impoundment and (6) effects of watershed use and restoration technologies on planktonic ecosystem and water quality. The research is carried out by multi-lake comparative analysis as well as by experimental approaches in the field and the laboratory.
Sellam, N., F. Zouggaghe, B. Pinel Alloul, El-A. Mimouni and R. Moula?. 2017. Taxa richness and community structure of macroinvertebrates in rivers of different bioclimatic regions of Algeria. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences 8: 1574-1588.
Henriques-Silva, R., B. Pinel-Alloul and Pedro R. Peres-Neto. 2016. Mating system, climate and history interact in explaining macroecological patterns in freshwater zooplankton. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 1454-1465.
Mimouni, El-A., B.B. Beisner and B. Pinel-Alloul. 2016. Phylogenetic diversity and its conservation in the presence of phylogenetic uncertainty: a case study for cladoceran communities in urban waterbodies. Biodiversity and conservation 25: 2113-2136.
Bolduc, P., A. Bertolo and B. Pinel-Alloul. 2016. Does submerged aquatic vegetation shape zooplankton community structure and functional diversity? A test with a shallow fluvial lake system. Hydrobiologia 778: 151-165. DOI10.1007/s10750-016-2663-4.
Tall, L., A. Armellin, B. Pinel-Alloul, and G. Méthot. 2016. Multiscale effects of hydrology and environmental variables on macroinvertebrates in wetlands of the Lake Saint-Pierre, St Lawrence River. Hydrobiologia 778: 221-241. DOI10.1007/s1-750-015-2531-7.
Mimouni, El-A., B. Pinel-Alloul, and B. Beisner. 2015. Assessing aquatic biodiversity of zooplankton communities in an urban landscape. Urban Ecosystems 18: 1353-1372. DOI 10.1007/s11252-015-0457-5.
Havens, K. E., R. Pinto-Coelho, M. Beklioglu, K. S. Christoffersen, E, Jeppesen, T. L. Lauridsen, A. Mazumder, G. Méthot, B. Pinel-Alloul, N. Tavsanoglu and J. Vijverberg. 2015. Temperature effects on body size of freshwater crustacean zooplankton from Greenland to the Tropics. Hydrobiologia 743: 27-35. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2000-8.
Massicotte, P., J.-J. Frenette, R. Proulx, B. Pinel-Alloul, and A. Bertolo. 2014. Riverscape heterogeneity explains spatial variation in zooplankton functional evenness and biomass in a large river ecosystem. Landscape Ecology 29: 67-79.
Pinel-Alloul, B. and El-A. Mimouni. 2013. Are cladoceran diversity and community structure linked to spatial heterogeneity in urban landscapes and pond environments? Hydrobiologia 715: 195-212.
Pinel-Alloul, B., André, A., P. Legendre, J. Cardille, K. Patalas and A. Salki. 2013. Large-scale geographic patterns of species richness and community structure of pelagic crustacean zooplankton in Canadian lakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 784-795.