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Professional Background 2017-present: Professor, University of Kansas 2012-2017: Associate Professor, University of Kansas 2007-2012: Assistant Professor, University of Kansas 2003-2007: Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Lab for Photonics and Quantum Electronics, University of Iowa 2000-2003: Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Institut fuer Angewandate Physik, Universitaet Karlsruhe Education 2000: Ph.D., Physics, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China 1997: M.S., Optics, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China 1994: B.S., Applied Physics, Northern Jiaotong University, Beijing, China


Our major research goals are to understand ultrafast electron dynamics and their interactions with light on nanometer scales. We use ultrafast lasers to manipulate, control, and detect electrons in nanomaterials, in order to understand energy relaxation, real space transport, spin dynamics, and radiative recombination of excited electrons. The materials studied include traditional three-dimensional bulk crystals of silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide; traditional two-dimensional quantum-well structures; new two-dimensional atomically-thin films of graphene, molybdenum disulfide, gallium selenide; and one-dimensional carbon nanotubes and gallium arsenide nanowires. Our recent research topics include nanoscale ballistic electron transport in semiconductors, observation of the intrinsic inverse spin Hall effect, nonlinear optical effects of charge and spin currents, and electronic dynamics in graphene and other two-dimensional materials.


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Nanoscale Horizons: Matthew Z. Bellus et al, Efficient Hole Transfer from Monolayer WS2 to Ultrathin Amorphous Black PhosphorusJanuary 4, 2019 JPCL: Peymon Zereshki et al, Layer-Coupled States Facilitate Ultrafast Charge Transfer in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Trilayer Heterostructure September 26, 2018 ACS Nano: Matthew Z. Bellus et al, Photocarrier Transfer Across Monolayer MoS2-MoSe2 Lateral Heterojunctions, June 15, 2018 Nardeep Kumar et al, Third harmonic generation in graphene and graphite thin films, Physical Review B, 87, 121406(R) (2013). [Rapid Communication] March 18, 2013 Qiannan joined the group January 15, 2013 Exciton diffusion in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes studied by transient absorption microscopy November 5, 2012 Nardeep Now a PhD Candidate October 29, 2012 Research result of Brian Ruzicka, Lalani Werake, and Dr. Hui Zhao on current-induced second-harmonic generation was highlighted by Physics-Uspekhi(Vol. 55,Issue 4) as Physics News: Detection of electric currents in GaAs based on second-harmonic generation July 15, 2012 Ultrafast and spatially resolved studies of charge carriers in atomically-thin molybdenum disulfide July 5, 2012 Research result of Lalani Werake and Dr. Hui Zhao on optical detection of spin currents was selected by NSF as a research highlight on Research.gov, "Measuring the Spin in Spintronics".May 21, 2012
